什么是 FSC 产销监管链认证?
FSC 产销监管链认证对于企业间进行 FSC 认证产品贸易至关重要,因为该认证控制着认证材料从森林到市场的流动。
通过此认证,你可以在产品上贴有 FSC 标签。这些标签向你的客户传达你的产品能够为环境和人类带来好处,并加入由全球数千家公司组成的不断发展的FSC贸易。

FSC 产销监管链认证的好处
- 获得公众信任。FSC 被视为负责任林业的黄金标杆,得到了世界自然基金会WWF等主要非政府组织的广泛支持。
提高知名度和品牌效应。FSC 认证为使用 FSC 商标和参与独特的营销平台、活动和事件提供了机会。
增加进入新市场的机会。FSC 是世界上最值得信赖的林业生态标签计划之一,其需求往往超过供应。
可靠的保证。FSC 认证通过第三方验证可信的计划为你提供强大和安全的声明。
- 道德责任。独立研究表明,森林工人、当地社区和森林野生动物都受益于认证。
FSC 产销监管链认证程序
我们将根据你的需求帮助你确定合适的认证范围。在接受我们的报价后,我们将为你的组织指派一名 Preferred by Nature 联系人。
准备就绪后,我们将进行现场评估以确保符合 FSC 产销监管链要求。这一过程包括文件审查、实地观察和工作人员访谈。
我们将起草一份综合报告并由 Preferred by Nature 资深专家进行审阅。你将有机会对报告草案提出意见。
如果评估结果良好 ,我们将为你颁发证书。FSC 证书的有效期为 5 年,但需接受年度审核。在此之后,需要进行全面的重新评估以更新认证。
如果对我们的认证服务或客户提出投诉,我们将根据争议解决政策进行处理。如果 Preferred by Nature 的公正性受到质疑,我们可以召集公正性委员会。
我们可以帮助你确定最适合的 FSC 服务类型和范围。
可追溯性体系:在 FSC 产销监管链认证的三种不同的可追溯性体系中进行选择:转换、百分比和信用体系。该选择与你的公司设置密切相关,包括将认证材料与未认证材料混合使用的需求。根据你的生产和贸易复杂性,你可能需要选择多个体系。
受控木材:该体系使你能够在“混合”产品中将未认证材料与 FSC 认证材料进行混合。必须控制未认证的材料以防止不可接受的来源进入你的认证产品。如果你能够获得受控材料,那么将受控木材添加到你的产销监管链证书中是一个不错的选择。通过提供更多受认证行业所追求的产品,你可以更紧密的与 FSC认证买家的联系。
- 项目认证:建筑或装修项目可选择此类认证。它允许项目经理公开声明项目中使用的认证材料数量。
通过额外的支持增强你的 FSC 之旅:
FSC 专家培训:我参加我们经 FSC 认可的 FSC 专家综合课程 ,你将学习像 FSC 审核员一样思考,全面掌握 FSC 认证中的知识和技能。
- PEFC 产销监管链认证:同时获得 FSC 和 PEFC 产销监管链双重认证。我们可以一次性完成 FSC 和 PEFC 评估。
FSC 产销监管链指南和工具
满怀信心地准备 FSC 认证,或与你的供应商分享这些材料。
了解如何在产品推广和标签中使用 FSC 商标。根据你的认证查看公司宣传的技巧。
>> 查看 FSC 营销资源
FSC 产销监管链标准
你的认证范围决定了哪些 FSC 标准和政策适用于你的公司。
FSC 产销监管链标准规定了适用于所有产销监管链认证和申请组织的要求,涉及 FSC 认证森林产品的采购、加工、标签和销售。
本标准涵盖各种情况和实体,确保许多组织能够证明其对 FSC 要求的承诺。不仅适用于单个组织,独立组织和拥有多个地点的组织也可以获得认证。你甚至可以选择对单个项目而非组织进行认证。
>> 查看 FSC 产销监管链标准
• FSC 产销监管链指令
• FSC 核心劳工要求:常见问答
• FSC 核心劳工要求:组织和认证机构指南
• FSC 产销监管链多地点标准
• FSC 采购回收标准
• FSC 项目认证标准
访问 FSC 文件中心获取更多资源。
FSC CoC 标准更新
FSC 于 2021 年宣布的变更
FSC 国际董事会已批准在 FSC 产销监管链标准中增加基于国际劳工组织核心公约的 FSC 核心劳工要求。
FSC-STD-40-004 版本 3-1 产销监管链认证现包括:
采用并实施涵盖 FSC 核心劳工要求的政策声明,通过认证证明符合其他社会认证
- 在基于风险的方法中加入自我评估,组织需描述如何将要求应用于其运营
希望满足 FSC 核心劳工要求的组织可以下载自我评估模板。此外,有关更多详细信息,FSC 网站上提供了针对特定国家的 FSC 核心劳工要求自我评估模板。
有关 FSC 核心劳工要求的更多信息,请查看:
• Preferred by Nature关于 FSC 核心劳工要求的网络研讨会
• Preferred by Nature 网络研讨会常见问答
• FSC 资源和 FSC 核心劳工要求网络研讨会视频回放
使用我们的 FSC 产销监管链示例程序指导使用转换体系的单地点证书持有者。
Info sheets

FSC Chain of Custody Certification Info Sheet
Know more about the FSC Chain of Custody Certification.
Know more about the FSC Chain of Custody Certification.

Forest Management Experience Info Sheet
Know more about our more than thirty years of experience with forest management certification.
Know more about our more than thirty years of experience with forest management certification.

FSC Regulatory Module info sheet
The FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on for FSC-certified businesses. It has been developed to help companies prepare for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (...
The FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on for FSC-certified businesses. It has been developed to help companies prepare for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (...

Sample FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody procedures for traders
You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures. Based on the FSC Chain of Custo...
You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures. Based on the FSC Chain of Custo...

Nuts and bolts of FSC chain of custody certification
This guide introduces you to FSC CoC certification. Become familiar with the FSC system and the certification process.
This guide introduces you to FSC CoC certification. Become familiar with the FSC system and the certification process.

Sample FSC Multi-site Procedures
Use this sample to help you to comply with the FSC standard "Chain of Custody Certification of multiple sites” (FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1). The sample provides an example of how multi-s...
Use this sample to help you to comply with the FSC standard "Chain of Custody Certification of multiple sites” (FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1). The sample provides an example of how multi-s...

TMP.26 Supply chain table - customers
A table for companies to keep records of their products and to whom they sell their products.
A table for companies to keep records of their products and to whom they sell their products.

FSC COC annual summary sample
This sample can be used to keep tracking of annual volume of your company.
This sample can be used to keep tracking of annual volume of your company.

Sample FSC Chain of Custody procedures
Free sample FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures for a single-site certificate holder using the transfer system. Use this document for inspiration to create your own company-spec...
Free sample FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures for a single-site certificate holder using the transfer system. Use this document for inspiration to create your own company-spec...

Sample FSC Chain of Custody procedures for traders
These sample procedures have been designed to help you to comply with the FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard (FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1) by providing an example of how CoC procedures m...
These sample procedures have been designed to help you to comply with the FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard (FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1) by providing an example of how CoC procedures m...

FSC Chain of Custody Directive
(FSC-DIR-40-004) Note that the guidance included in FSC directives is mandatory. You need to follow them in order to ensure system compliance.
(FSC-DIR-40-004) Note that the guidance included in FSC directives is mandatory. You need to follow them in order to ensure system compliance.

FSC Chain of Custody standard (V3-1)
(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1)The FSC CoC standard specifies the requirements which applies to all CoCertified and applicant organisations with respect to sourcing, processing, labelling a...
(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1)The FSC CoC standard specifies the requirements which applies to all CoCertified and applicant organisations with respect to sourcing, processing, labelling a...

FSC CoC Multiple Site Standard
(FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1) Sets out requirements for multi-site and group Chain of Custody certification.
(FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1) Sets out requirements for multi-site and group Chain of Custody certification.
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