想要获得 Preferred by Nature 印章吗?查看你的选项!
无论你是小规模的林业工作者、农民还是在全球采购商品的国际公司,Preferred by Nature认证都能为你的可持续发展工作提供坚实的基础。
Preferred by Nature 认证的基石是可持续发展框架,它对可持续性进行了全面的解读。
Preferred by Nature "认证注重绩效和适应性。我们采用基于风险的方法,为所有类型的公司和土地管理者提供认证。 Preferred by Nature "认证借鉴了多个现有的国际可持续发展计划,并与联合国可持续发展目标 (SDG) 和欧盟森林砍伐法规 (EUDR) 的适用方面保持一致。
对于寻求加强环境、社会和治理(ESG)报告的公司来说,Preferred by Nature 认证是一个很有价值的工具。该标准旨在涵盖广泛的核心可持续发展主题,为全面、可信的ESG报告做出贡献。
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>> 了解更多关于可持续发展框架的信息
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为林业工作者、农民、供应链公司或者参与制造和加工的人员提供指导!获得 Preferred by Nature 认证将帮助你走上实现可持续发展目标的正轨。我们以领先的国际标准为基准,不断完善我们的可持续发展框架。这有助于我们发现差异,为已经通过其他可持续发展项目认证的企业制定指导方针。获取基准测试结果
选择 Preferred by Nature 认证的好处
1. 涵盖气候因素的可持续发展实践综合框架
• 基于绩效的明确要求
• 协调各种产品的现有可持续发展要求
• 基于风险的方法,专注于每个产品和供应链的基本问题
• 可信、透明和公正的实施
2. 高度适应性的一体化、以结果为导向的标准
• 适用于全球林业、农业和其他行业,用于土地利用认证和尽职调查
• 适用于所有规模、商品和供应链层面(土地管理者、生产商、工厂、磨坊、加工商、贸易商、制造商、品牌、零售商)
• 适应新兴市场与新的法规要求(如《欧盟零毁林法案》)
• 涵盖所有关键的可持续发展因素,包括对尽职调查的严格要求和对ESG标准的全面考虑
• 将传统的可持续发展问题与气候因素相结合,采取整体方法
3. 发挥与其他认证计划的协同作用
• 以主要的国际林业和农业标准为基础,如森林管理委员会TM(FSC TM)的森林管理标准和雨林联盟可持续农业标准的农场要求
• 可作为现有认证的附加认证,只需进行少量的补充工作
• 将缺失的部分整合到你的定期审核中,最大限度地提高效率和节省成本
4. 与《欧盟零毁林法案》保持一致
• 包含 46 项与 EUDR 合规性相关的指标,支持法规要求的风险评估
• 提供符合可持续发展框架 EUDR 指标的证书
• 根据可持续发展框架的具体指标(合法性、森林砍伐和森林退化)进行认证
• 促进运营商和供应链中其他参与者的决策
• 确保小农户的包容性和赋权
• 提供其他工具,如采购中心和尽职调查工具包(供应链绘制、风险评估)
5. 使用 Preferred by Nature 印章宣传可持续性和碳减排工作
• 验证可持续发展的卓越性
• 根据满足的条件,可用于供应链和最终产品
• 象征你对人类、自然和气候的承诺
>> 查看我们的认证机构数据库
大自然优选 “的免费开源 ”尽职调查工具包 "将于 2025 年 1 月推出,提供实用工具以支持负责任的采购和监管协调,包括欧盟森林砍伐法规 (EUDR)。该工具包旨在补充我们的可持续发展框架,包括逐步指导、模板和资源,以帮助企业建立健全的尽职调查系统。
Preferred by Nature 认证支持个人和组织推动积极改变,构建可持续的未来。
Preferred by Nature 开发了一个包含一套基于绩效的通用原则和标准的框架,以解决商品和供应链可持续性的核心问题。
Preferred by Nature 认证符合新兴的环境、社会和治理(ESG)报告标准,使其成为致力于良好 ESG 实践的个人和组织的宝贵资源。
获得 Preferred by Nature 认证,助力塑造更美好的未来!
Preferred by Nature 印章![](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/s3fs-public/inline-images/Preferred%20by%20Nature%20People%20Climate%20RGB%20colour%20transparent_0.png?VersionId=_wQ_V4GWJ31HTNrcCGxpEIVtr2WUU_ud)
Preferred by Nature 印章是你展示组织对可持续实践承诺的门户。它表明你的产品支持农场或森林经营,尊重人类、自然和气候。
1. 获得认证的林业工作者和农民可以用它来传达组织的认证状态: 获得认证的组织可以在他们的通信渠道中展示印章,确认他们的认证状态。
2. 在最终产品上使用印章: 想要在最终产品中使用印章的组织必须通过可持续发展框架的认证,并且需要:
- 管理碳足迹:包括测量产品的碳足迹,制定一个透明的计划来减少碳足迹。必须符合 Preferred by Nature 的碳足迹管理标准。
- 确保积极影响:为促进气候和生物多样性具有积极影响的项目提供资金,为人类、自然和气候带来切实利益。多种选项详见 Preferred by Nature 印章使用政策。
3. 用于追溯隔离:参与非最终产品制造、加工和贸易的组织也可以使用印章进行隔离。这种方法有助于在认证产品通过供应链时对其进行区分。
PBN-01 可持续发展框架
可持续发展框架包含可持续发展的原则、标准和指标。该框架包括农场/森林认证指标以及与加工设施相关的指标,具有通用形式与商品适应形式(我们将在需要时开发商品适应版本)。其中,可持续发展框架的一部分适用于持有产销监管链认证的实体,如加工、制造和贸易商。这些要求侧重于价值链中的劳工权利和健康安全。 (下载 )
PBN-02 系统要求
对寻求 Preferred by Nature 认证的组织提出的要求。该标准旨在为处理系统提供要求,以确保始终如一地实施 Preferred by Nature 认证要求。(下载 )
PBN-03 供应链管理和尽职调查要求
包含对实体使用尽职调查方法寻求认证的要求,以确保其产品供应链和原材料来源中违反可持续发展框架(或法规)要求的风险较低。 (下载)
PBN-04 印章使用政策
对使用 Preferred by Nature 认证印章的公司提出的要求,包括气候补偿要求。(下载)
PBN-05 产销监管链和可追溯性标准
通用产销监管链 标准概述根据 Preferred by Nature 认证接受的 产销监管链模型的要求。(下载)
PBN-09 术语和定义
这份关键文件包含对 Preferred by Nature 认证项目文件中使用的不同术语和定义的扩展。(下载)
PBN-13 EUDR 指标
PBN-01 要求的子集,包含与满足《欧盟零毁林法案》的森林砍伐和合法性义务相关的指标。这些指标用于评估“法规范围内”的公司。(下载)
About the certification
![Preferred by Nature Certification - FAQs](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-02/Preferred-by-Nature-Certification-FAQs-images-1.jpg?VersionId=v5W2XJpsC39VmfBRRn8a8itqLZIPIHUf&itok=470bU2rC)
Preferred by Nature Certification - FAQs
This FAQ provides answers to commonly asked questions from clients and stakeholders about the Preferred by Nature Certification system. Note: The English version of this docu...
This FAQ provides answers to commonly asked questions from clients and stakeholders about the Preferred by Nature Certification system. Note: The English version of this docu...
![Preferred by Nature Certification info sheet](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-03/Preferred-by-Nature-Certification-MAR24-images-1.jpg?VersionId=d6lWA2WCQkIEUqYF756ne7MNTkXQkwBv&itok=eP3q9812)
Preferred by Nature Certification Info Sheet
Discover the Preferred by Nature Certification – a practical and comprehensive tool designed to help your organisation meet and beat sustainability goals, regardless of your produ...
Discover the Preferred by Nature Certification – a practical and comprehensive tool designed to help your organisation meet and beat sustainability goals, regardless of your produ...
![Preferred by Nature Certification Service Guide](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-03/Preferred-by-Nature-Certification-service-guide-MAR24-images-1.jpg?VersionId=UVVIofIP48fSGOJjPkGgFj5NW3XZZh4b&itok=slKyjY-5)
Preferred by Nature Certification Service Guide
Learn about the Preferred by Nature Certification process, including the certification procedure, cost structure, permissible trademarks and claims, confidentiality and impartiali...
Learn about the Preferred by Nature Certification process, including the certification procedure, cost structure, permissible trademarks and claims, confidentiality and impartiali...
![Preferred by Nature Certification for land managers](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-03/Preferred-by-Nature-Certification-for-Land-Managers-JAN24-images-1.jpg?VersionId=IbDTaoaFfW3Ws73e1xWvyF4o5tnHpxBt&itok=MMlCvzam)
Preferred by Nature Certification for land managers
Whether you aim to strengthen legal compliance, amplify existing certifications or broaden your certification scope, Preferred by Nature Certification is the answer. Tailored to c...
Whether you aim to strengthen legal compliance, amplify existing certifications or broaden your certification scope, Preferred by Nature Certification is the answer. Tailored to c...
Preferred by Nature Certification - Certification scheme benchmarking procedure
This document outlines our benchmarking approach and process related to the Sustainability Framework, serving as a guide for Preferred by Nature’s staff and stakeholders. ...
This document outlines our benchmarking approach and process related to the Sustainability Framework, serving as a guide for Preferred by Nature’s staff and stakeholders. ...
![PBN Cert rules cover](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-07/PBN%20Cert%20rules.png?VersionId=uRVkyY8OmfopUGoA51poVvFXXteRvBHr&itok=lex6fa0p)
Preferred by Nature Certification - Certification Rules V1.0
This document provides detailed information about how the programme operates for any interested stakeholder. It is mainly used as internal guidance for Preferred by Nature staff, ...
This document provides detailed information about how the programme operates for any interested stakeholder. It is mainly used as internal guidance for Preferred by Nature staff, ...
Benchmarking summaries
![PBNC FSC FM add-on Aug24 ENG](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-08/PBNC%20FSC%20FM%20add-on%20Aug24%20ENG-images-0.jpg?VersionId=lD47d_aRMOo5nu43AkpzL_aHWZH5wyPC&itok=NirOiCEx)
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Forest Stewardship Council Forest Management Standard
This document encapsulates the benchmark findings, facilitating comparison with the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) standards for forest management. It also considers FSC Regul...
This document encapsulates the benchmark findings, facilitating comparison with the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) standards for forest management. It also considers FSC Regul...
![Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Standard](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-03/Preferred-by-Nature-Certification-FSC-CoC-add-on-MAR24-images-1.jpg?VersionId=ILJ4O2CPYRvo9iPPyINV6rEr7mO_duy0&itok=-KSVCFHX)
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Standard
By comparing the FSC CoC Standard with our own Sustainability Framework, we have identified additional indicators to propel your sustainability efforts forward with the Preferred ...
By comparing the FSC CoC Standard with our own Sustainability Framework, we have identified additional indicators to propel your sustainability efforts forward with the Preferred ...
![RA SA benchmark incl EUDR JUN24](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-06/RA%20SA%20benchmark%20incl%20EUDR%20JUN24%20ENG-images-0.jpg?VersionId=XSYrQx9CsPax4F_hQbOr50Ui6c0lbZxy&itok=VNJ4VpjM)
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard
This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...
This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...
Meeting the EUDR requirements
![16 项行动以符合《欧盟零毁林法案》](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/s3fs-public/styles/libraries_thumbnail/public/16%2520action_10.jpg?itok=1HBVUoYQ)
16 actions to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation
This document outlines actions that farmers and foresters can take to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation.
This document outlines actions that farmers and foresters can take to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation.
![EUDR service infosheet](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-08/EUDR%20service%20infosheet-images-0.jpg?VersionId=lTD5fPLqRdRd.mtXkBHyeDzOcpYhDOP8&itok=c4inZASV)
EUDR Service Info Sheet
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) prohibits products and commodities linked with deforestation and forest degradation from being imported into the EU market or exported from ...
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) prohibits products and commodities linked with deforestation and forest degradation from being imported into the EU market or exported from ...
Preferred by Nature Certification - EU Deforestation Regulation aligned Indicators
To address these requirements, for agricultural commodities and wood products respectively, we have benchmarked the 159 indicators included in our Sustainability Framework with th...
To address these requirements, for agricultural commodities and wood products respectively, we have benchmarked the 159 indicators included in our Sustainability Framework with th...
Discover the Hummingbird Seal
![Preferred by Nature Certification Seal Use](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/styles/libraries_thumbnail/s3/2024-03/Preferred-by-Nature-Certification-Seal-Use-FEB24-images-1.jpg?VersionId=rlKG97AClbewd80wsR.irIEO2DrALaP9&itok=BYKD5Ceb)
Preferred by Nature Certification Seal Use
Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segregation marking and promotion, offering a comprehensive framework for driving positive change and eleva...
Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segregation marking and promotion, offering a comprehensive framework for driving positive change and eleva...
Preferred by Nature Seal Use Policy V1.0
This Policy regulates the conditions for using the Preferred by Nature Seal (the Seal) under the Preferred by Nature Certification for verified organisations. Verified organisatio...
This Policy regulates the conditions for using the Preferred by Nature Seal (the Seal) under the Preferred by Nature Certification for verified organisations. Verified organisatio...
![Preferred by Nature Seal Graphic Guidelines](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/s3fs-public/styles/libraries_thumbnail/public/Captura%2520de%2520pantalla%25202023-08-04%2520130857_0.png?itok=h0x7sCD8)
Preferred by Nature Seal Graphic Guidelines
The guidelines explain graphical rules for Sustainability Framework verified organisations who may use Preferred by Nature's hummingbird seal in their product packaging or promoti...
The guidelines explain graphical rules for Sustainability Framework verified organisations who may use Preferred by Nature's hummingbird seal in their product packaging or promoti...
Sustainability Framework Standard V1.4
The Preferred by Nature Sustainability Framework has been revised to provide a single framework for defining and benchmarking sustainability that can be used across different comm...
The Preferred by Nature Sustainability Framework has been revised to provide a single framework for defining and benchmarking sustainability that can be used across different comm...
Preferred by Nature Certification - EU Deforestation Regulation aligned Indicators
To address these requirements, for agricultural commodities and wood products respectively, we have benchmarked the 159 indicators included in our Sustainability Framework with th...
To address these requirements, for agricultural commodities and wood products respectively, we have benchmarked the 159 indicators included in our Sustainability Framework with th...
![Sustainability Framework System Requirements V1.4](https://d1q8ac9bjcfs4x.cloudfront.net/s3fs-public/styles/libraries_thumbnail/public/SP-02%2520System%2520requirements%2520V1.4%2520FINAL-1_0.jpg?itok=06b5Voy6)
Preferred by Nature Certification - System Requirements V1.4
This document is relevant to all organisations seeking Preferred by Nature Certification, encompassing both land use and supply chain sectors. It outlines the essential requiremen...
This document is relevant to all organisations seeking Preferred by Nature Certification, encompassing both land use and supply chain sectors. It outlines the essential requiremen...
Preferred by Nature Certification - Due Diligence System Requirements
This Standard sets out requirements for organisations that want to demonstrate compliance with the Sustainability Framework for specified products in their supply chains. The Stan...
This Standard sets out requirements for organisations that want to demonstrate compliance with the Sustainability Framework for specified products in their supply chains. The Stan...
Preferred by Nature Certification - Chain of Custody and Traceability Standard
This Standard applies to organisations verified by Preferred by Nature who want to make claims about the verified status of the products they sell. It has taken into account the E...
This Standard applies to organisations verified by Preferred by Nature who want to make claims about the verified status of the products they sell. It has taken into account the E...
Preferred by Nature Certification - Terms and Definitions V1.5
This document contains a list of terms and definitions used in the Preferred by Nature Certification programme.Note: The English version of this document is the official version. ...
This document contains a list of terms and definitions used in the Preferred by Nature Certification programme.Note: The English version of this document is the official version. ...
Preferred by Nature Seal Use Policy V1.0
This Policy regulates the conditions for using the Preferred by Nature Seal (the Seal) under the Preferred by Nature Certification for verified organisations. Verified organisatio...
This Policy regulates the conditions for using the Preferred by Nature Seal (the Seal) under the Preferred by Nature Certification for verified organisations. Verified organisatio...
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Our experts are ready to support you on your sustainability journey.