


什么是 CanopyStyle

CanopyStyle 倡议汇集了时尚界最先进的参与者和行业巨头,保护世界森林扩大下一代替代品的使用。

时尚行业越来越依赖森林来生产粘胶、莫代尔和莱赛尔等天然木质面料。据致力于保护世界古老和濒危森林的独立环境组织 Canopy 称,每年有超过 2 亿棵树木被砍伐并被制成纤维素织物,危及世界森林、生物多样性和气候。

因此,Canopy发起了 CanopyStyle倡议获得行业最大参与者的支持,停止从世界古老和濒危森林采购粘胶纤维。

Preferred by NatureCanopy批准为开展 CanopyStyle 验证审核审核机构。目前已经根据 CanopyStyle 标准完成30多次粘胶审核其中Preferred by Nature为大多数公司提供了审核

如果是人造纤维素纤维(MMCF)生产商并且有Canopy 相关的政策,请与我们联系,了解如何开始的验证之旅。



CanopyStyle Audit Process


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Event title Event type Language Location Dates Status
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 27 - Completed
EUDR: Get ready with our overview, updates and solutions Webinar Japanese Online 17 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Minnesota, USA 29 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Argentina 27 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Spanish Argentina 21 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation: Unpacking the latest updates and solutions Webinar Chinese Simplified Online 08 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Montreal, Canada 25 - Completed
EUDR: Understanding implications for US companies Webinar English Online 13 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Toronto, Canada 12 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Chinese Simplified China 05 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Implications for the agricultural sector Webinar Spanish Online 20 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 19 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 30 - Completed
Implications of the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) for the forestry sector Webinar Spanish Online 17 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Bangalore, India 12 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 28 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 20 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice: EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Estonian Tallinn, Estonia 16 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice - EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Latvian Rīga, Latvia 15 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice - EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Lithuanian Vilnius, Lithuania 13 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Beijing, China 06 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Beijing, China 06 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Concepción, Chile 02 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 26 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Business implications and impact Webinar Chinese Simplified Online 22 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Medellín, Colombia 14 - Completed
EUDR & the Future of Forest-risk Commodities Procurement Seminar, Webinar Japanese Tokyo, Japan 12 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Online 05 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 29 - Completed
How Scientific Testing can support companies to comply with Due Diligence requirements of the EUDR? Webinar English Online 28 - Completed
How Scientific Testing can support the enforcement of the EUDR? Webinar English Online 21 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Business implications and compliance Seminar Chinese Simplified Shanghai, China 20 - Completed
Complying with the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): A practical workshop for timber businesses Seminar Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 13 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Sabah, Malaysia 09 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Sarawak, Malaysia 08 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06 - Completed
Informationsdag FSC og PEFC sporbarhedscertificering Seminar Danish Denmark Completed

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