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As a global nonprofit organisation, we work to involve individuals worldwide in our mission, providing them with a wide array of ways to engage, learn and support sustainable change. 


Meet the SRP Squad: How a new generation of rice farmers are pioneering sustainability in Indonesia

Young rice farmers in Central Java are challenging traditional cultivation methods to make the Worldā€™s most popular grain sustainable.

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Silke joined our Junior Talent Programme!

ā€œThis has been an experience for life. Itā€™s been incredibly exciting to experience javanese culture with all its facets, including food, theatre, religion and superstition. Travelling is always interesting as it teaches us something about ourselves and our own culture, and this has certainly been no exception. In addition, I have of course gained a lot of experience, which I can make use of in my future work.ā€

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See what Silke thinks about it!

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Why eco-labels matter?

A growing number of consumers are willing to pay that little bit extra to ensure their coffee, bananas or furniture have been sourced and produced sustainably. But can you trust their claims, and what impact do they actually make? Learn more about eco-labels and our approach.


Explore other focus areas


Biomass is essential for sustainable development, reducing carbon emissions, and providing renewable energy. Its growing utilisation highlights its importance in combating climate change and promoting sustainable practices across various industries.

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Aunque es vital para la seguridad alimentaria, el ganado tambiĆ©n contribuye a la deforestaciĆ³n y al cambio climĆ”tico. Es necesario centrar los esfuerzos en promover prĆ”cticas sostenibles que mejoren la biodiversidad, la salud del suelo y el bienestar de las personas y los animales.

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Abordar el cambio climƔtico es urgente para el desarrollo sostenible. Reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero mediante estrategias innovadoras es esencial para mitigar su impacto.

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El cultivo del cacao tiene un impacto global sobre el medio ambiente, la economĆ­a y el clima. Las prĆ”cticas sostenibles como la agrosilvicultura pueden mitigar sus efectos negativos, haciendo que el cacao sea relevante para la mitigaciĆ³n del cambio climĆ”tico.

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Equilibrar la sostenibilidad econĆ³mica con prĆ”cticas de producciĆ³n responsables es crucial en la industria del cafĆ©. Adaptarse al cambio climĆ”tico al tiempo que se satisface la creciente demanda mundial es esencial para una producciĆ³n sostenible de cafĆ©.

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Revitalizar los ecosistemas es crucial para la salud y la conservaciĆ³n de nuestro planeta. Combatir la deforestaciĆ³n y la degradaciĆ³n con prĆ”cticas sostenibles garantiza la recuperaciĆ³n a largo plazo.

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Palm Oil

La producciĆ³n de aceite de palma sostiene las economĆ­as pero plantea problemas medioambientales y sociales. Las prĆ”cticas sostenibles son cruciales para abordar cuestiones como la deforestaciĆ³n y los derechos laborales.

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La producciĆ³n de arroz tiene un impacto significativo sobre el clima y la naturaleza. Abordar las emisiones, el uso del agua y la deforestaciĆ³n en el cultivo del arroz puede conducir a cambios medioambientales positivos.

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El caucho natural es esencial para las industrias, pero contribuye a la deforestaciĆ³n y a la pĆ©rdida de biodiversidad. Abordar los problemas de sostenibilidad, como las malas condiciones laborales, es crucial en la producciĆ³n de caucho.

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La soja desempeƱa un papel vital en la seguridad alimentaria mundial y en la producciĆ³n de biocombustibles. Hacer hincapiĆ© en el crecimiento sostenible es esencial para abordar los retos medioambientales en el cultivo de la soja.

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Los impactos globales de la madera sobre las personas, la naturaleza y el clima requieren una gestiĆ³n sostenible. Los bosques son esenciales para la biodiversidad, asĆ­ como para la conservaciĆ³n del suelo y el agua.

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La sostenibilidad de la industria de los viajes se cruza con la conservaciĆ³n del medio ambiente y la preservaciĆ³n cultural. El consumo responsable y el apoyo a las comunidades locales son cruciales para los viajes sostenibles.

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Nuestra misiĆ³n se extiende mĆ”s allĆ” de estas Ć”reas de interĆ©s a cualquier cultivo o producto con potencial de impacto sostenible. Apoyamos proyectos de conservaciĆ³n y restauraciĆ³n de ecosistemas en todo el mundo y ayudamos a las empresas a adaptarse a las cambiantes normativas.

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30 years of impact

Creating sustainable impact is at the heart of our mission.

People impact


farmers, workers and land managers are assured that their well-being, human rights and cultural heritage are protected.

Nature impact

32.6 million

hectares of land where nature and environment are protected from degradation and conversion through use of sustainability standards.

Climate impact


tonnes of CO2 emissions have been reduced, thus lowering the climate impact.


Projects that make a difference

Smarter methods, greater impact - for people, nature and climate. Learn more about our sustainable projects.

Current projects

RIA: Joining efforts in a Risk Information Alliance

Risk information is all about compiling and synthesising information about the conditions of production of agricultural and forest...


Developing legal frameworks and due diligence guidelines for cocoa production in West and Centr...

CĆ“te d'Ivoire, Ghana and Cameroun are key countries producing global cocoa. Cocoa is the country's main cash crop in CĆ“te dā€™Ivoire...


Developing nature-friendly solutions to protect forests against climate change whilst maintaini...

The eco2adapt project is about finding eco-friendly ways to protect our forests in Europe and China. It aims to ensure we pla...


HARMONITOR: improving clarity on sustainability certification schemes in Europe

Sustainability certification schemes and labels have many advantages over national or regional laws and regulations. They can be a...


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