Preferred by Nature’s Responsible Biomass Programme covers the verification and certification of all links in the biomass chain, from forest to energy company.
On 30 June 2021, Denmark introduced new requirements for biomass for energy purposes, aligning with the RENEWABLE Energy Directive (RED II). This mandates that certain companies annually report information to the Danish Energy Agency about the biomass they have used, produced or imported. This includes details referring to its geographical origin, quantities and type, and compliance with the specified requirements.
For more information about the legislation, biomass types and reporting, please refer to the Danish Energy Agency's website.
Our programme for Responsible Danish Biomass covers services dedicated to both reporting companies and those supplying biomass to these companies. This programme is based on Preferred by Nature’s Standard for Biomass Producers.
Reporting companies
The following companies are obligated to report to the Danish Energy Agency. The report must be verified by an approved third party.
- All energy undertakings with district heating boilers or cogeneration blocks of more than 5 MW
- All companies with industrial boilers of more than 20 MW
- Importers and producers of more than 20,000 tonnes of pellets per year
Starting from 30 June 2023, the reporting obligation will be extended to:
- All energy companies with district heating cones or heat blocks of over 2.5 MW
- All companies with industrial boilers of more than 2.5 MW
- Importers and producers of more than 5,000 tonnes of pellets, firewood and briquettes per year

Application for verification
If you are interested in verifying your reporting and would like to receive an offer from us, please fill in the relevant form and send it to
>> Download the Energy producer or industrial plants application
>> Download the Importers and producers of wood pellets application
>> Learn more about the Criteria for the verification of reports
Verified organisations
Our database includes biomass producers and distributors verified against Preferred by Nature's Standard for Biomass Producers. Verification is valid for the specified period, unless indicated otherwise. For suspended and terminated certificates, the verification is invalid from the expiry date indicated, and from that date, the company cannot claim biomass as verified by Preferred by Nature. If you are interested in verification as a biomass producer and would like to receive an offer from us, please fill in this form.
>> Access our database of verified organisations
Regional risk assessments and analysis of other documentation
According to the legislation and the Danish Energy Agency’s guidelines, certain certification schemes can document compliance with sustainability requirements for specific biomass types. However, certification is not mandatory if compliance with relevant legal requirements can be otherwise documented.
Preferred by Nature has conducted analyses forming the basis for verifying biomass not covered by recognised certifications.
Forest Biomass and Industrial Residual Wood from Sweden
The analysis covers the biomass categories Forest Biomass and Industrial Residual Wood for biomass harvested in Sweden. It assesses whether biomass not covered by a recognised certification scheme meets the relevant Danish legal requirements. This includes determining if FSC Controlled Wood certified biomass from Sweden meets the necessary Danish legal requirements.
>> Download the report with conclusions
Non-forest biomass from Schleswig- Holstein
The analysis pertains to Non-forest biomass originating from Schleswig-Holstein. As of March 2023, the Danish Energy Agency does not have recognised certification schemes for this biomass type. The analysis evaluates whether the management of non-forest areas in the region is covered by legislation that sufficiently ensures compliance with relevant Danish legal requirements for this biomass type.
>> Download the report with conclusions
Residual wood from Agricultural land of Spanish origin
The analysis covers Residual Wood biomass originating from agricultural land in Spain. It includes biomass not covered by a recognised certification scheme. The analysis assesses whether the production of this type of biomass is carried out with sufficient certainty to meet the relevant Danish legal requirements.
>> Download the report with conclusions
Certification of biomass producers and distributors
Preferred by Nature offers certification and verification of biomass producers and distributors to demonstrate compliance with legal requirements. Certification can be against internationally recognized standards such as the Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP), Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
In addition, we offer certification/verification of biomass producers according to Preferred by Nature’s Standard for Biomass Producers. The standard is adapted to the Danish legislation and includes legal requirements for wood-based biomass types.
If you are interested in verification as a biomass producer and would like to receive an offer from us, please complete this form.
Preferred by Nature Standard for Biomass Producers
Preferred by Nature’s Standard for Biomass Producers is a set of requirements that helps ensure that biomass is produced in a sustainable way.
The Standard covers everything from the sourcing of the biomass to its transportation and use. It is based on the following principles:
Sustainability: Biomass should be produced in a way that does not harm the environment or human health.
Legality: Biomass should be produced in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Transparency: Biomass producers should be transparent about their operations and the sources of their biomass.
- Traceability: Biomass should be traceable from the forest to the point of use.
>> Access the Standard

Preferred by Nature’s Standard for Biomass Producers
Our programme for Responsible Danish Biomass covers services dedicated to both reporting companies and those supplying biomass to these companies.
Our programme for Responsible Danish Biomass covers services dedicated to both reporting companies and those supplying biomass to these companies.
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