
你知道吗 关于生物质脂肪精英的有趣事实。共振效率?


大米每天养活世界一半的人口,但它也是全球变暖的重要驱动因素。它约占全球人为温室气体排放总量的 2.5%,因此其气候足迹与国际航空的气候足迹相当。

The demand for rice is projected to increase by 70% over the next 30 years.
Women farmers contribute up to 80% of farm labour but remain systemically excluded.
Rice farming is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts, while also generating 10% of global man-made methane emissions.
Rice cultivation uses 30-40% of the world’s fresh water and accounts for 15% of global fertiliser use.

What are the challenges?

According to Climate Home News, rice production is estimated to be responsible for 12% of total methane global emissions, mainly due to its anaerobic decomposition during its production processes. Farmers in Java, Indonesia typically use more than 1,400 litres of water to produce just 1kg of rice. Due to this immense water use, freshwater availability for human consumption, aquatic ecosystems and other uses is vastly reduced, contributing to increasing water conflicts. Hence, its production comes with a high price for the climate and environment. Yet entire regions depend highly on this staple food, and so does Indonesia, where rice is crucial for the country’s kitchen, culture and economy.


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farmers, workers and land managers are assured that their well-being, human rights and cultural heritage are protected.


32.6 million

hectares of land where nature and environment are protected from degradation and conversion through use of sustainability standards.



tonnes of CO2 emissions have been reduced, thus lowering the climate impact.


Explore other focus areas


Biomass is essential for sustainable development, reducing carbon emissions, and providing renewable energy. Its growing utilisation highlights its importance in combating climate change and promoting sustainable practices across various industries.

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While vital for food security, cattle also contribute to deforestation and climate change. Focused efforts are needed to promote sustainable practices that enhance biodiversity, soil health and the well-being of people and animals.

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Addressing climate change is urgent for sustainable development. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions emissions through innovative strategies is essential to mitigate its impact.

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Cocoa farming impacts the environment, economy and climate globally. Sustainable practices such as agroforestry can mitigate its negative effects, making cocoa relevant for climate change mitigation.

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Balancing economic sustainability with responsible production practices is crucial in the coffee industry. Adapting to climate change while meeting rising global demand is essential for sustainable coffee production.

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Revitalising ecosystems is crucial for our planet’s health and preservation. Combating deforestation and degradation with sustainable practices ensures long-term recovery.

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Palm Oil

Palm oil production supports economies but raises environmental and social concerns. Sustainable practices are crucial to address issues such as deforestation and labour rights.

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Rice production significantly impacts climate and nature. Addressing emissions, water usage and deforestation in rice farming can lead to positive environmental changes.

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Natural rubber is essential for industries but contributes to deforestation and biodiversity loss. Addressing sustainability concerns such as poor working conditions is crucial in rubber production.

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Soy plays a vital role in global food security and biofuel production. Emphasising sustainable growth is essential to address environmental challenges in soy farming.

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Timber's global impacts on people, nature and climate require sustainable management. Forests are essential for biodiversity as well as soil and water conservation.

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The travel industry's sustainability intersects with environmental conservation and cultural preservation. Responsible consumption and support for local communities are crucial for sustainable travel.

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Our mission extends beyond these focus areas to any crop or product with potential for sustainable impact. We support conservation and ecosystem restoration projects worldwide and help businesses adapt to changing regulations.

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