Sustainability Framework in a glance

Sustainability Framework Standard V1.4
The Preferred by Nature Sustainability Framework has been revised to provide a single framework for defining and…
The Preferred by Nature Sustainability Framework has been revised to provide a single framework for defining and…
Preferred by Nature可持续发展框架是一个代表可持续发展的核心方面的通用框架。可持续发展框架整合了所有商品和生产环境中可持续发展的重要方面,是寻求产生真正影响的企业的良好起点。该框架可通过基于风险的方法加以应用,以获得Preferred by Nature 认证。此外,该框架还符合《欧盟零毁林法案》(EUDR)的要求,,以帮助受影响的行业实现合规。
4 pillars of Sustainability Framework
We are measuring our data based on our developed Framework consisting of four topics:
Principle 1:
Management and business practices are legal and responsible
Principle 2:
People’s well-being and human rights are respected
Principle 3:
Nature and the environment are protected
Principle 4:
Climate impacts are reduced and mitigated
Use the Framework to identify your sustainable impacts
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Are you a consumer?
Are you an organisation?
See what our clients have to say
Preferred by Nature and Martin Guitar share the same vision: ‘To pass on the Earth to coming generations in a good shape, we must urgently invent and adopt more sustainable ways of living, sourcing and trading.

Martin Guitar
Preferred by Nature took the time to understand our questions and problem statement. Their Sustainability Framework is a great starting point to assess materials and the risks associated with including them in your supply chain.

The work done for us by Preferred by Nature and their Brazilian partner for this collaboration, Imaflora, is excellent. The report that was produced is very good, but when you look at the raw data backing that report up, it is really a goldmine. It is the encyclopedia of sugar cane sourcing in this part of Brazil.

Tetra Pak
Cooperating with Preferred by Nature has been incredibly valuable. I am very impressed by the local knowledge, which is essential when working in this area. Preferred by Nature has delivered a very thorough piece of work.

Get in contact with us
Our experts are ready to support you on your sustainability journey.

EUDR - 应对商品供应链中的毁林和森林退化问题

我们的免费开源尽职调查工具包于 2025 年 1 月推出,旨在与可持续发展框架保持一致,为企业提供实用工具,以加强其负责任的采购工作。无论是应对欧盟零毁林法案(EUDR) 等监管要求,还是实施可持续发展实践,该工具包都提供了逐步指导、模板和资源,为企业提供支持。
For more information, download our:

EUDR Service Info Sheet
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) prohibits products and commodities linked with deforestation and forest degradation from being imported into the EU market or exported from ...
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) prohibits products and commodities linked with deforestation and forest degradation from being imported into the EU market or exported from ...

Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard
This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...
This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...

Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard
This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...
This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...

Preferred by Nature Certification Seal Use
Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segregation marking and promotion, offering a comprehensive framework for driving positive change and eleva...
Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segregation marking and promotion, offering a comprehensive framework for driving positive change and eleva...
30 years of impact
Creating sustainable impact is at the heart of our mission.
31.9 million