认证项目将材料分为两类:(1)获得 Preferred by Nature 认证的材料;(2)根据我们的要求进行评估,获得 “EUDR ”认证的材料。
我们提供两种产销监管链 CoC模式,公司可以根据其需求进行选择:
- 隔离:保持认证材料与非认证材料的物理隔离,保证纯度和透明度。
- 质量平衡:在规定的系统内跟踪认证和非认证材料的比例混合,为更大的产量提供灵活性。
为了促进与 EUDR 的一致性,我们在标准中纳入了沿供应链保存地理位置数据的要求。我们在产销监管链CoC标准中允许的声明遵循一个简单明了的模型,促进关于产品和 CoC 认证范围清晰有效的沟通。
联系我们的专家,了解 Preferred by Nature 产销监管链认证如何改变你的供应链管理,解锁新的发展机会。
本标准适用于通过 Preferred by Nature 验证的组织——这些组织希望对其销售产品的验证状态提出声明。本标准参考《欧盟零毁林法案》,包括与之相关的具体要求和指导。
>> 查看标准,目前仅提供英文版
Info sheets
Preferred by Nature Certification Info Sheet
Discover the Preferred by Nature Certification – a practical and comprehensive tool designed to help your organisation meet and beat sustainability goals, regardless of your produ...
Discover the Preferred by Nature Certification – a practical and comprehensive tool designed to help your organisation meet and beat sustainability goals, regardless of your produ...
Preferred by Nature Certification Seal Use
Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segregation marking and promotion, offering a comprehensive framework for driving positive change and eleva...
Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segregation marking and promotion, offering a comprehensive framework for driving positive change and eleva...
Preferred by Nature Certification Service Guide
Learn about the Preferred by Nature Certification process, including the certification procedure, cost structure, permissible trademarks and claims, confidentiality and impartiali...
Learn about the Preferred by Nature Certification process, including the certification procedure, cost structure, permissible trademarks and claims, confidentiality and impartiali...
Preferred by Nature Certification - FAQs
This FAQ provides answers to commonly asked questions from clients and stakeholders about the Preferred by Nature Certification system.Note: The English version of this document i...
This FAQ provides answers to commonly asked questions from clients and stakeholders about the Preferred by Nature Certification system.Note: The English version of this document i...
Preferred by Nature Certification - Certification Rules V1.0
This document provides detailed information about how the programme operates for any interested stakeholder. It is mainly used as internal guidance for Preferred by Nature staff, ...
This document provides detailed information about how the programme operates for any interested stakeholder. It is mainly used as internal guidance for Preferred by Nature staff, ...
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Standard
By comparing the FSC CoC Standard with our own Sustainability Framework, we have identified additional indicators to propel your sustainability efforts forward with the Preferred ...
By comparing the FSC CoC Standard with our own Sustainability Framework, we have identified additional indicators to propel your sustainability efforts forward with the Preferred ...
Preferred by Nature Certification - Chain of Custody and Traceability Standard
This Standard applies to organisations verified by Preferred by Nature who want to make claims about the verified status of the products they sell. It has taken into account the E...
This Standard applies to organisations verified by Preferred by Nature who want to make claims about the verified status of the products they sell. It has taken into account the E...
Preferred by Nature Seal Use Policy V1.0
This Policy regulates the conditions for using the Preferred by Nature Seal (the Seal) under the Preferred by Nature Certification for verified organisations. Verified organisatio...
This Policy regulates the conditions for using the Preferred by Nature Seal (the Seal) under the Preferred by Nature Certification for verified organisations. Verified organisatio...
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