什么是 PEFC 产销监管链认证?
PEFC 产销监管链认证提供独立的验证保证,即产品中包含的认证森林材料来源于可持续经营的森林。
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PEFC 产销监管链认证的好处
获取标签和声明:PEFC 认证允许你在市场上使用 PEFC 认证声明。许多采购政策要求产品通过 FSC 或 PEFC 认证。
满足市场需求的能力:许多公共和私人采购政策要求或偏好认证材料,包括 PEFC 认证材料。
FSC 和 PEFC 双重认证可以帮助你解决供应问题:将 PEFC 认证添加到 FSC 认证中,使你能够利用认证原材料的变动可用性满足客户对认证产品的需求。双重认证的投入通常少于两次单一认证。例如,FSC 和 PEFC CoC 审核往往可以同时进行。
PEFC 产销监管链标准
该标准规定了 PEFC 产销监管链的认证要求。对于森林和树木产品,公司必须满足这些要求才能获得PEFC产销监管链认证。
>> 查看标准
PEFC 商标规则——要求
作为 PEFC 证书持有者,你需要遵守 PEFC 商标使用的具体要求。PEFC 商标规则为你提供全面要求以确保 PEFC商标使用的准确性、可验证性、相关性和无误导性。
>> 查看商标规则文件
- PEFC 产销监管链和森林产品指南
- 有关更多资源,请访问 PEFC 标准和指南网站
Info sheet

PEFC Chain of Custody Certification Info Sheet
Learn about benefits, options and conditions applying to our PEFC Chain of Custody certification service.
Learn about benefits, options and conditions applying to our PEFC Chain of Custody certification service.

Forest Management Experience Info Sheet
Know more about our more than thirty years of experience with forest management certification.
Know more about our more than thirty years of experience with forest management certification.

Overview of PEFC Chain of Custody Certification
This document provides a thorough overview of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Chain of Custody Certification. It has been developed based on PEFC ...
This document provides a thorough overview of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Chain of Custody Certification. It has been developed based on PEFC ...

Sample FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody procedures for traders
You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures. Based on the FSC Chain of Custo...
You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures. Based on the FSC Chain of Custo...

PEFC standarta izmaiņas - apkopojums
Dokuments tiek izstrādāts balstoties uz PEFC standarta PEFC ST izmaiņu apkopojuma “Revised PEFCChain of Custody Standard, Final Draft - Changes” un ietver būtiskās izmaiņas PEFC s...
Dokuments tiek izstrādāts balstoties uz PEFC standarta PEFC ST izmaiņu apkopojuma “Revised PEFCChain of Custody Standard, Final Draft - Changes” un ietver būtiskās izmaiņas PEFC s...

PEFC Trademarks Rules – Requirements
This document covers the requirements for users of the PEFC trademarks to ensure accurate, verifiable, relevant and non-misleading usage of the PEFC logo, the PEFC initials, relat...
This document covers the requirements for users of the PEFC trademarks to ensure accurate, verifiable, relevant and non-misleading usage of the PEFC logo, the PEFC initials, relat...

Sample PEFC Chain of Custody Procedures
You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific PEFC Chain of Custody procedures. These sample procedures have been designed to...
You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific PEFC Chain of Custody procedures. These sample procedures have been designed to...

PEFC Chain of Custody and Forest and Tree based products Guidance use
(PEFC GD 2001:2022 Chain of Custody of Forest and Tree-Based Products – Guidance for use) This guidance document explains, clarifies, and interprets PEFC ST 2002:2020, Chain of C...
(PEFC GD 2001:2022 Chain of Custody of Forest and Tree-Based Products – Guidance for use) This guidance document explains, clarifies, and interprets PEFC ST 2002:2020, Chain of C...

Certification schemes report PEFC
This evaluation aims to assess how the PEFC forest certification system (including MTCS and Cerflor) meets fundamental aspects of legality requirements for timber legality as well...
This evaluation aims to assess how the PEFC forest certification system (including MTCS and Cerflor) meets fundamental aspects of legality requirements for timber legality as well...

PEFC Chain of Custody Standard
(ST 2002:2020 Chain of Custody for Skov- og Træbaserede Produkter - Krav) Den seneste version af PEFC Chain of Custody Standard, PEFC ST 2002:2020, blev obligatorisk at følge fra...
(ST 2002:2020 Chain of Custody for Skov- og Træbaserede Produkter - Krav) Den seneste version af PEFC Chain of Custody Standard, PEFC ST 2002:2020, blev obligatorisk at følge fra...
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