什么是 FSC?
森林管理委员会TM(FSC TM)认证可以帮助你满足市场需求,提高声誉与支持世界森林。FSC 认证确保木材产品具有负责任的来源。
FSC 成立于 1993 年,该全球性的会员制非政府组织通过生态标签促进负责任的森林经营。如今,FSC认证被广泛认为是负责任森林经营的黄金标准。
对于企业对企业组织来说,他们必须认可和销售带有 FSC 标志的认证产品。FSC 的标志和标签在经营良好的森林和最终消费者之间建立强有力的联系,为获得认证的森林运营企业和公司提供市场激励。.
Preferred by Nature 是一家受认可的 FSC 认证机构,负责森林经营、产销监管链、受控木材、项目认证和生态系统程序。关于我们的认证范围,点击此处了解更多信息。
>> 访问 FSC 数据库查看产品的认证状态
>> 了解 FSC 系统的工作原理
FSC 的四大独特性
- 非政府组织支持:FSC 是世界自然基金会等主要非政府组织认可的唯一国际森林认证计划,巩固了其“民间信誉”和现实世界的影响力。
- 利益相关者参与:FSC 分为三个部门——社会、经济和环境——确保在所有决策层面都有公平的影响力。
- 全球一致性:FSC 认证符合全球标准和要求。通过认证的森林覆盖全球约 80 个国家。
- 透明度:FSC 是一个国际会员制组织,遵循参与、民主、公平和透明的原则。
FSC 森林经营认证
对于致力于负责任林业的森林经营者,FSC 森林经营认证验证对环境负责、对社会有益和经济可行的森林经营。
FSC 产销监管链认证
使用森林材料的制造商可以通过获得 FSC 产销监管链认证表明其对可持续采购的承诺,确保生产和贸易 FSC 认证产品的流程到位。FSC 产销监管链认证允许你在产品上使用全球认可的 FSC 标签来展示对负责任林业的支持。
FSC 项目认证
项目认证强调对森林友好实践的承诺,确保在你的项目中使用符合 FSC 标准的森林材料。项目认证可应用于所有或部分项目。
>> 了解更多关于项目认证的信息
FSC 森林管理咨询
在此查看预定的 FSC 森林管理评估和利益相关者咨询。
FSC 受控木材认证
FSC 受控木材拥有可接受的来源,可以与 FSC 认证材料混合在带有 FSC 混合标签的产品中,从而降低来自不可接受来源的林产品的风险,这些不可接受来源包括非法采伐的木材、侵犯人权、将森林转换为非森林用途等。受控木材认证包括两种类型:森林认证和产销监管链认证。
>> 了解更多关于 FSC 受控木材的信息
FSC 控制木材咨询
查找预定的 FSC 控制木材评估。
FSC 标准
无论你持有何种 FSC 证书,这些标准和政策都普遍适用。认证范围的具体内容将决定哪些 FSC 标准和政策适用于你的公司。根据你持有的 FSC 证书类型,你可能还需要了解其他更专业的文件。
FSC 原则和标准
FSC 原则和标准是 FSC 认证系统中的关键文件。这些原则和标准通过 FSC 国际通用指标具有全球和地方适应性。
在 FSC 系统中,政策、标准和程序经过全面透明的制定、审查和修订过程。随时了解最新进展。
>> 查看 FSC Connect 以获取完整的文件列表
FSC 商标标准
作为证书持有者,你需要遵守使用所有商标的具体要求。FSC 证书持有者商标标准中对此进行了描述。
FSC 制定了核心 FSC 标准(如全球 FSC 原则和标准),你可以通过查看 FSC 咨询平台了解有关关键全球 FSC 标准的公开咨询。
Info sheets

FSC Forest Management Certification Info Sheet
Learn about benefits, options and conditions applying to our FSC forest management certification services.
Learn about benefits, options and conditions applying to our FSC forest management certification services.

FSC Chain of Custody Certification Info Sheet
Know more about the FSC Chain of Custody Certification.
Know more about the FSC Chain of Custody Certification.

FSC Controlled Wood Certification Info Sheet
Know more about the process and requirements of the FSC Controlled Wood certification.
Know more about the process and requirements of the FSC Controlled Wood certification.

FSC Project Certification Info Sheet
Learn more about FSC project certification and the benefits that are involved.
Learn more about FSC project certification and the benefits that are involved.

FSC Regulatory Module info sheet
The FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on for FSC-certified businesses. It has been developed to help companies prepare for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (...
The FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on for FSC-certified businesses. It has been developed to help companies prepare for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (...

Guide on outsourcing of FSC activities
Guidance for FSC certificate holders on requirements pertaining to outsourcing of FSC production processes.
Guidance for FSC certificate holders on requirements pertaining to outsourcing of FSC production processes.

FSC core labour requirements - Self assessment
This document offers guidance on how organisations can fulfill the requirements specified by the FSC core labour requirements.
This document offers guidance on how organisations can fulfill the requirements specified by the FSC core labour requirements.

FSC Trademark Quick Guide
The trademark quick guide is developed based on the FSC Trademark Standard 50-001(V1-2). The quick guide is intended to facilitate the communication of certificate holders’ commit...
The trademark quick guide is developed based on the FSC Trademark Standard 50-001(V1-2). The quick guide is intended to facilitate the communication of certificate holders’ commit...

FSC Trademark Guide
This guide outlines the key requirements for using the FSC logo, eco-label, brand marks and trademarks on-product and off-product. It includes examples that help you to decipher t...
This guide outlines the key requirements for using the FSC logo, eco-label, brand marks and trademarks on-product and off-product. It includes examples that help you to decipher t...

FSC Controlled Wood Due Diligence System Summary Template
Template for use by clients certified or being certified to FSC-STD-40-005. Organisations are required to provide specific information in a summary of their due diligence system t...
Template for use by clients certified or being certified to FSC-STD-40-005. Organisations are required to provide specific information in a summary of their due diligence system t...

Outsourcing agreement template for non-FSC certified contractors
This is the Word format of the outsourcing agreement in our ‘Guide to outsourcing of FSC production activities’. Please note that this is an example of an outsourcing agreement th...
This is the Word format of the outsourcing agreement in our ‘Guide to outsourcing of FSC production activities’. Please note that this is an example of an outsourcing agreement th...
Procedures & policies

FSC Management System for Trademark Use
You can use this as a generic example of FSC trademark use management system.
You can use this as a generic example of FSC trademark use management system.

FSC Brands Intercompany Labeling Agreement
Sample FSC labeling procedure agreement between buyer and producer
Sample FSC labeling procedure agreement between buyer and producer

FSC Annual Administration Fee
FSC-POL-20-005 V3-4This document is revised annually and sets out the FSC Annual Administration Fee (AFF) applying to a calendar year. This approved version outlines the basic pri...
FSC-POL-20-005 V3-4This document is revised annually and sets out the FSC Annual Administration Fee (AFF) applying to a calendar year. This approved version outlines the basic pri...

Certification schemes report FSC
This evaluation aims to assess how the FSC forest certification system meets fundamental aspects of legality requirements for timber, as well as how the certification is set up to...
This evaluation aims to assess how the FSC forest certification system meets fundamental aspects of legality requirements for timber, as well as how the certification is set up to...

FSC Trademark Standard Annex 1
Describes the FSC trademark registrations by country and mark. Helps you to find out whether you need to use the TM or the ® symbol for a specific trademark published in a specifi...
Describes the FSC trademark registrations by country and mark. Helps you to find out whether you need to use the TM or the ® symbol for a specific trademark published in a specifi...

FSC Trademark Standard
FSC-STD-50-001 V2-1 Sets out the requirements for off-product and on-product use of the FSC logo and trademarks.
FSC-STD-50-001 V2-1 Sets out the requirements for off-product and on-product use of the FSC logo and trademarks.
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