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Certificarea FSC Chain of Custody

Discover our FSC services:

Certificarea FSC Forest Management

Asigurati partenerilor de afaceri si investitorilor ca administrarea padurilor este responsabila.

FSC Regulatory Module

Align your business with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and enhance your FSC certification.

construction project
Project Certification - FSC

Certify your building project and communicate the responsible origin of timber used for construction.

Controlled Wood Certification - FSC

Boost your ability to trade forest products with controlled wood claims which are demanded by FSC-certified buyers.


Ce este Certificarea FSC Chain of Custody?

Certificarea Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) Chain of Custody (a Lantului de Custodie) demonstreaza ca sprijiniti padurile si oamenii care depind de aceasta. Certificarea va ajuta sa vindeti produsele catre clientii care doresc sa achizitioneze din surse responsabile, sa va construiti o reputatie buna si sa evitati riscurile.

Certificarea controleaza fluxul materialelor certificate pornind de la padure pana la comercializare, esentiala pentru comertul cu produse certificate FSC dintre organizatii.

Cu aceasta certificare puteti eticheta FSC produsele. Aceste etichete transmit clientilor ca produsele sprijina mediul si oamenii. Alaturati-va retelei FSC in plina expansiune, care cuprinde mii de companii din intreaga lume. 

>> Aflati mai multe pe website FSC
>> Descarcati fisa informativa info sheet


Beneficiile Certificarii FSC Chain of Custody

  1. Increderea publica. Vazut ca cel mai bun standard pentru silvicultura responsabila, FSC are un sprijin larg din partea unor ONG-uri de renume, precum WWF.


  2. Cresterea vizibilitatii si branding-ului. Certificarea FSC deschide oportunitati de a utiliza marcile inregistrate si de a participa la platforme de marketing, campanii si evenimente unice.


  3. Acces mai bun la piete noi. FSC este una dintre cele mai de incredere scheme de certificare cu eco-etichete in silvicultura la nivel mondial, cu o cerere care depaseste oferta.


  4. Calitate si management imbunatatite. Multiple organizatii certificate au experimentat beneficii neasteptate, cum sunt economiile de costuri.


  5. Relatii mai bune cu investitorii. Performanta sustenabila este un factor cheie in deciziile investitiei.


  6. Asigurare credibila. Certificarea FSC permite declaratii puternice si sigure, sustinute de verificarea de terta parte intr-un sistem credibil.


  7. Responsabilitatea etica. Studii independente arata ca silvicultorii, comunitatile locale si fauna padurilor beneficiaza de pe urma certificarii.

Procesul Certificarii FSC Chain of Custody

Incepeti procesul de certificare completand formularul de solicitare de servicii de mai jos sau contactandu-ne direct. Expertii nostri va vor ghida pentru a determina scopul certificarii, care se potriveste cel mai bine cu structura si nevoile organizatiei.

Pasul 1: Determinarea scopului certificarii    

Va ajutam sa stabiliti ce sa cuprindeti in certificare. Dupa ce acceptati oferta noastra, vi se va atribui o persoana de contact din cadrul Preferred by Nature, dedicata organizatiei.

Pasul 2: Pregatirea pentru certificare

Folositi resursele de pe website-ul nostru pentru a va pregati pentru certificare. Dezvoltati proceduri specifice pentru Chain of Custody, iar noi va oferim feedback inainte de vizita in teren.

Pasul 3: Evaluarea la fata locului

Cand sunteti pregatiti, vom efectua un audit de evaluare la fata locului pentru a asigura conformarea cu cerintele FSC Chain of Custody. Aceasta include revizuirea documentelor, observatii in teren si interviuri cu personalul.

Pasul 4: Raportul de audit 

Noi vom redacta un raport cuprinzator, revizuit de un expert Preferred by Nature. Veti avea posibilitatea de a oferi feedback asupra raportului preliminar.

Pasul 5: Obtinerea certificatului 

In urma unui rezultat pozitiv al evaluarii, emitem certificatul. Your FSC certificate remains valid for five years, subject to annual audits. Certificatul FSC este valabil timp de cinci ani, cu conditia efectuarii auditurilor anuale. Dupa aceasta perioada, este necesara o reevaluare completa pentru reinnoirea certificatului.

Sesizari si solutionari

In cazul in care exista sesizari referitoare la serviciile noastre de certificare sau referitoare la clientii nostri, urmam Dispute Resolution Policy si consultam Comitetul de Impartialitate in cazurile in care este pusa la indoiala impartialitatea Preferred by Nature.

Scopul certificatului 

Va putem ajuta sa identificati tipul si scopul serviciului FSC care vi se potriveste. 

Opriunile principale:

  • Sistemul de trasabilitate: Alegeti dintre cele trei sisteme diferite de trasabilitate pentru Certificarea FSC Chain of Custody: sistemul de transfer, sistemul procentual si sistemul de credite. Aceasta alegere este strans legata de structura organizatiei si de necesitatea de a combina materiale certificate cu materiale necertificate. In functie de complexitatea productiei si practicilor comerciale, este posibil sa fie nevoie de mai mult de un singur sistem. Accesati ghidul introductiv pentru mai multe informatii. 


  • Controlled Wood: Acest sistem va permite sa combinati material necertificat cu materialul certificat FSC rezultand produse cu eticheta „Mix”. Materialul necertificat trebuie controlat pentru a preveni intrarea de surse inacceptabile in produsele certificate. Adaugarea certificarii Controlled Wood la certificatul Chain of Custody poate fi o optiune buna, cu conditita sa aveti acces la material controlat. Oferind un volum mai mare de produse cautate de industriile certificate, puteti interactiona mai intens cu cumparatorii certificati FSC. Aflati mau multe desore certificarea Controlled Wood


  • Certificarea Multi-site: Ideala pentru operatorii cu mai multe locatii, aceasta configurare necesita un sistem robust de audit intern si desemneaza un „birou central” pentru a gestiona certificatul multi-site. Acest lucru reduce cerintele de audit extern si poate reduce costurile. Oferim servicii care implica experti locali pentru organizatii multinationale si putem, de asemenea, oferi instruire pentru furnizori.


  • Certificarea Grup: Organizatiile mai mici se pot certifica fara a gestiona personal certificarea. Managerul de grup isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru cea mai mare parte a administratiei.  


  • Certificarea de Proiect: Optati pentru acest tip de certificare pentru proiecte de constructii sau renovari. Aceasta permite managerului de proiect sa faca decalaratii publice despre cantitatea de material certificat utilizat in proiectul respectiv.

Servicii aditionale

Puteti sa va imbunatatiti experienta FSC cu servicii suport aditionale:

  • Instruiri pentru Expert FSC: Alaturati-va cursului nostru complet pentru Experti FSC, aprobat de FSC, unde veti invata sa ganditi ca un auditor si sa dobanditi cunostinte si competente mai ample in certificarea FSC.


  • Certificarea PEFC Chain of Custody: Obtineti dubla certificarea FSC si PEFC Chain of Custody, participand simultan la ambele tipuri. Putem efectua evaluarile FSC si PEFC intr-un singur proces.

Ghiduri si instrumente pentru FSC CoC

Pregatiti-va pentru certificarea FSC cu incredere sau distribuiti aceste materiale printre furnizorii organizatiei.

Aflati cum se foloseste Marca Inregistrata FSC pentru promovarea produsului prin etichete promotionale. Gasiti sfaturi despre cum va puteti promova compania pe baza certificarii.

>> Accesati FSC Marketing Resources

Standardele FSC Chain of Custody

Scopul certificarii stabileste care standarde si politici FSC se aplica organizatiei.

Standardul FSC Chain of Custody specifica cerintele care se aplica tuturor organizatiilor certificate si celor care au aplicat pentru certificare in ceea ce priveste aprovizionarea, procesarea, etichetarea si vanzarea produselor forestiere ca fiind certificate FSC.

Acest Standard acopera diverse tipuri de entitati si situatii, asigurand ca tot mai multe organizatii pot demonstra angajamentul fata de cerintele FSC. Nu doar organizatiile individuale pot fi certificate, ci si grupuri de organizatii independente si organizatii cu mai multe locatii. Exista si optiunea pentru certificarea proiectelor individuale, in locul organizatiilor.

>> Accesati Standardul FSC Chain of Custody

Alte documente:

Vizitati FSC Document Centre pentru mai multe resurse.

Actualizari in Standardul FSC CoC  

Schmibarile anuntate de FSC in 2021

FSC International Board of Directors a aprobat adaugarea la standardele FSC Chain of Custody cerintele FSC Core Labour requirements (Cerintele fundamentale FSC privind protectia muncii), bazate pe Conventiile Fundamentale ILO.

Acum certificarea FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1 Chain of Custody include:

  • opirea muncii cu copii, eliminarea tuturor formelor de munca foratata sau obligatorie, eliminarea discriminarii in ceea ce priveste angajarea si ocuparea fortei de munca, respectarea libertatii de asociere si recunoastere efectiva a dreptului de negociere colectiva


  • adoptarea si implementarea unor politici care sa includa FSC Core Labour Requirement demonstrand conformare prin certificarea cu alte scheme sociale de certificare


  • o optiune pentru alte organizatii, precum organismele de certificare, de a ofere scheme de certificare care respecta Cerintele fundamentale FSC pentru protectia muncii


  • incorporarea unei abordari bazate pe risc prin autoevaluari in care organizatiile descriu modul prin care aplica cerintele in operatiunile lor

Organizatiile care doresc sa indeplineasca FSC Core Labour requirements pot descarca modelul de autoevaluare aici: Self-Assessment. De asemenea, pentru mai multe detalii exista modele de autoevaloare specifice fiecarei tari, disponibile pe website FSC.

Pentru mai multe informatii legate de FSC core labour requirements, accesati:

Aveti nevoie de ajutor pentru crearea procedurilor specifice a lantului de aprovizionare, adaptate organizatiei?

Utilizati modelul de proceduri FSC Chain of Custody de pe website,  ca si ghid pentru detinatorii de certificate cu o singura locatie care utilizeaza sistemul de transfer. 

Info sheets

FSC Chain of Custody
FSC Chain of Custody Certification Info Sheet
Published by 

Know more about the FSC Chain of Custody Certification.

Know more about the FSC Chain of Custody Certification.

FSC Chain of Custody FSC Controlled Wood FSC Ecosystem Procedures FSC Forest Management FSC Project Certification PEFC Chain of Custody PEFC Forest Management
Forest Management Experience Info Sheet
Published by 

Know more about our more than thirty years of experience with forest management certification.

Know more about our more than thirty years of experience with forest management certification.

FSC Regulatory Module info sheet_13Dec2024
FSC Regulatory Module info sheet
Published by 
Preferred by Nature

The FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on for FSC-certified businesses. It has been developed to help companies prepare for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (...

The FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on for FSC-certified businesses. It has been developed to help companies prepare for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (...


贸易商FSC和PEFC产销监管链程序 示例
FSC Chain of Custody PEFC Chain of Custody
Sample FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody procedures for traders
Published by 

You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures. Based on the FSC Chain of Custo...

You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures. Based on the FSC Chain of Custo...

FSC Chain of Custody
Prepare for FSC chain of custody certification
Published by 

Nuts & Bolts of FSC Chain of Custody certification
FSC Chain of Custody
Nuts and bolts of FSC chain of custody certification
Published by 

This guide introduces you to FSC CoC certification. Become familiar with the FSC system and the certification process.

This guide introduces you to FSC CoC certification. Become familiar with the FSC system and the certification process.


FSC Chain of Custody
Sample FSC Multi-site Procedures
Published by 

Use this sample to help you to comply with the FSC standard "Chain of Custody Certification of multiple sites” (FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1). The sample provides an example of how multi-s...

Use this sample to help you to comply with the FSC standard "Chain of Custody Certification of multiple sites” (FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1). The sample provides an example of how multi-s...

FSC Chain of Custody
TMP.26 Supply chain table - customers
Published by 

A table for companies to keep records of their products and to whom they sell their products.

A table for companies to keep records of their products and to whom they sell their products.

FSC Chain of Custody
FSC COC annual summary sample
Published by 

This sample can be used to keep tracking of annual volume of your company.

This sample can be used to keep tracking of annual volume of your company.


Modèle de procédures FSC™ relatives à la chaîne de traçabilité
FSC Chain of Custody
Sample FSC Chain of Custody procedures
Published by 

Free sample FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures for a single-site certificate holder using the transfer system. Use this document for inspiration to create your own company-spec...

Free sample FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures for a single-site certificate holder using the transfer system. Use this document for inspiration to create your own company-spec...

FSC Chain of Custody
Sample FSC Chain of Custody procedures for traders
Published by 

These sample procedures have been designed to help you to comply with the FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard (FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1) by providing an example of how CoC procedures m...

These sample procedures have been designed to help you to comply with the FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard (FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1) by providing an example of how CoC procedures m...


Dyrektywa Kontroli Pochodzenia Produktu FSC
FSC Chain of Custody
FSC Chain of Custody Directive
Published by 

(FSC-DIR-40-004) Note that the guidance included in FSC directives is mandatory. You need to follow them in order to ensure system compliance.

(FSC-DIR-40-004) Note that the guidance included in FSC directives is mandatory. You need to follow them in order to ensure system compliance.


Standard Kontroli Pochodzenia Produktu FSC (V3-1)
FSC Chain of Custody
FSC Chain of Custody standard (V3-1)
Published by 

(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1)The FSC CoC standard specifies the requirements which applies to all CoCertified and applicant organisations with respect to sourcing, processing, labelling a...

(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1)The FSC CoC standard specifies the requirements which applies to all CoCertified and applicant organisations with respect to sourcing, processing, labelling a...

Standard FSC CoC dla Wielu Oddziałów
FSC Chain of Custody
FSC CoC Multiple Site Standard
Published by 

(FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1) Sets out requirements for multi-site and group Chain of Custody certification.

(FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1) Sets out requirements for multi-site and group Chain of Custody certification.

Get in contact with us

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humming bird

Gain more insights into the programme! 
Join our upcoming courses.

Event title Event type Language Location Dates Status
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Toronto, Canada 04 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Spanish Medellín, Colombia 18 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 13 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Kuala Lumpur 27 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 18 -
Event title Event type Language Location Dates Status
EU Deforestation Regulation: Exploring the latest interpretations and updates Webinar English Online 30 - Completed
Introduction to the Preferred by Nature's EUDR-aligned Due Diligence Toolkit Webinar English Online 21 - Completed
Seminar om EUDR og certificeringsløsninger for træ- og papirprodukter Seminar Danish Odense, Denmark 25 - Completed
Seminar on EUDR and certification solutions for wood and paper products Seminar Danish Odense, Denmark 25 - Completed
EUDR insights: Working together for responsible and deforestation-free supply chains Seminar French Paris, France 15 - Completed
Introduction to key aspects of the FSC and PEFC CoC certifications Seminar Danish Hørning, Denmark 30 - Completed
EUDR Ready: Navigating FSC & PEFC standards for a deforestation-free supply chain Webinar Estonian Online 17 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Bridging challenges and solutions Seminar Czech Brno, Czechia 10 - Completed
FSC og PEFC sporbarhedscertificering (Chain of Custody - CoC) Seminar Danish Hørning, Denmark 28 - Completed
Meeting EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) requirements for the coffee sector Seminar English Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 15 - Completed
Navigating the EUDR with practical solutions for Indonesia’s supply chain Webinar Bahasa Indonesia Online 30 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 27 - Completed
EUDR: Get ready with our overview, updates and solutions Webinar Japanese Online 17 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Minnesota, USA 29 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Argentina 27 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Spanish Argentina 21 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation: Unpacking the latest updates and solutions Webinar Simplified Chinese Online 08 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Montreal, Canada 25 - Completed
EUDR: Understanding implications for US companies Webinar English Online 13 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Toronto, Canada 12 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Simplified Chinese China 05 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Implications for the agricultural sector Webinar Spanish Online 20 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Implications for the agricultural sector Webinar Spanish Online 20 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 19 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 30 - Completed
Implications of the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) for the forestry sector Webinar Spanish Online 17 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Bangalore, India 12 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 28 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 20 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice: EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Estonian Tallinn, Estonia 16 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice - EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Latvian Rīga, Latvia 15 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice - EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Lithuanian Vilnius, Lithuania 13 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Beijing, China 06 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Beijing, China 06 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Concepción, Chile 02 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 26 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Business implications and impact Webinar Simplified Chinese Online 22 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Medellín, Colombia 14 - Completed
EUDR & the Future of Forest-risk Commodities Procurement Seminar, Webinar Japanese Tokyo, Japan 12 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Online 05 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 29 - Completed
How Scientific Testing can support companies to comply with Due Diligence requirements of the EUDR? Webinar English Online 28 - Completed
How Scientific Testing can support the enforcement of the EUDR? Webinar English Online 21 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Business implications and compliance Seminar Simplified Chinese Shanghai, China 20 - Completed
Complying with the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): A practical workshop for timber businesses Seminar Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 13 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Sabah, Malaysia 09 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Sarawak, Malaysia 08 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06 - Completed
Informationsdag FSC og PEFC sporbarhedscertificering Seminar Danish Denmark Completed

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