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Gestionnaire forestier et agricole - Certification Preferred by Nature

Discover our Preferred by Nature Certification services:

Système de diligence raisonnée - Certification Preferred by Nature

Respecter efficacement les obligations réglementaires grâce à notre norme, en alignant les activités de diligence raisonnable et de gestion des fournisseurs sur l'EUDR.

EU Flag
EUDR alignment - Preferred by Nature Certification

Découvrez comment nous pouvons vous aider à vous aligner sur le règlement de l'UE sur la déforestation.

supply chain
Chain of Custody - Preferred by Nature Certification

Simplify product flows, meet EUDR requirements and ensure clear communication in the supply chain.


Que l’on gère des forêts ou prenne soin d’une exploitation agricole, parvenir à l’excellence en matière de développement durable peut s’avérer une affaire complexe. Le programme de certification Preferred by Nature vous aide à trouver la voie qui vous convient grâce à une approche exhaustive mais flexible.

Nous proposons deux options pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques :

  • Certification complète : obtenez la certification Preferred by Nature selon le Cadre de durabilité, pour couvrir les aspects environnementaux, sociaux et économiques de vos opérations.

  • Option champ réglementaire : rationnalisez votre processus de certification en vous concentrant sur des indicateurs spécifiquement liés à la règlementation, y compris le règlement de l’UE sur la déforestation (RDUE), pour démontrer efficacement votre conformité.

Vous pouvez également utiliser la certification Preferred by Nature pour simplement compléter les certificats que vous possédez déjà, ce qui permet d’optimiser l’efficacité et de réduire les coûts de votre effort de certification. Cela vous évite d’avoir à contrôler deux fois un même aspect de la certification.

Nous adaptons en permanence notre Cadre de durabilité grâce à des analyses comparatives avec les principales normes internationales. Elles nous permettent d’identifier les différences et d’élaborer des recommandations destinées aux entreprises déjà certifiées par d’autres programmes de durabilité. Accéder aux résultats des analyses comparatives.

Consultez notre rubrique « Vos options » pour découvrir les options complémentaires.

Vous voulez vous démarquer ?

Faites un premier pas vers l’excellence en matière de développement durable. Contactez notre équipe de spécialistes dès aujourd’hui, expliquez vos besoins spécifiques et découvrez l’option de certification la plus adaptée à vos opérations forestières ou agricoles.

Options complémentaires pour la foresterie

Nous avons procédé à une analyse comparative entre le programme Cadre de durabilité et les normes Gestion forestière (GF) et Chaîne de contrôle (CoC) du Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM). Les gestionnaires forestiers, titulaires d'un certificat FSC, qui souhaitent formuler des allégations liées à la certification Preferred by Nature doivent se conformer à des exigences complémentaires pour les opérations de gestion forestière certifiées FSC, le cas échéant.

Contactez notre équipe pour discuter des conditions d’éligibilité. Les exigences complémentaires peuvent être vérifiées pendant votre audit FSC habituel ou en amont, si vous le préférez, au cours d'un audit spécifique.

Learn more:

Option complémentaire pour l’agriculture

Le Cadre a également été comparé à la norme Rainforest Alliance (AD RA) pour l’agriculture durable 2020 : exigences pour les exploitations . Les exploitations certifiées sous cette norme peuvent présenter une demande de certification complémentaire à Preferred by Nature. Les exigences complémentaires peuvent s’intégrer facilement à votre prochain audit, optimisant l’efficacité du processus et réduisant au minimum les perturbations.

Si vous le préférez, un audit complémentaire peut être prévu pour accélérer le processus de certification. Contactez notre équipe pour enclencher le processus de certification complémentaire. Elle vous aidera à planifier les prochaines étapes.

En savoir plus :

Info sheets

Preferred by Nature Certification info sheet
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification Chain of Custody certification Due Diligence System certification EUDR alignment
Preferred by Nature Certification Info Sheet
Published by 

Discover the Preferred by Nature Certification – a practical and comprehensive tool designed to help your organisation meet and beat sustainability goals, regardless of your produ...

Discover the Preferred by Nature Certification – a practical and comprehensive tool designed to help your organisation meet and beat sustainability goals, regardless of your produ...

Preferred by Nature Certification for land managers
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification
Preferred by Nature Certification for land managers
Published by 

Whether you aim to strengthen legal compliance, amplify existing certifications or broaden your certification scope, Preferred by Nature Certification is the answer. Tailored to c...

Whether you aim to strengthen legal compliance, amplify existing certifications or broaden your certification scope, Preferred by Nature Certification is the answer. Tailored to c...


Preferred by Nature Certification Service Guide
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification Chain of Custody certification Due Diligence System certification EUDR alignment
Preferred by Nature Certification Service Guide
Published by 

Learn about the Preferred by Nature Certification process, including the certification procedure, cost structure, permissible trademarks and claims, confidentiality and impartiali...

Learn about the Preferred by Nature Certification process, including the certification procedure, cost structure, permissible trademarks and claims, confidentiality and impartiali...

Preferred by Nature Certification - FAQs
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification Chain of Custody certification Due Diligence System certification EUDR alignment
Preferred by Nature Certification - FAQs
Published by 

This FAQ provides answers to commonly asked questions from clients and stakeholders about the Preferred by Nature Certification system. Note: The English version of this document ...

This FAQ provides answers to commonly asked questions from clients and stakeholders about the Preferred by Nature Certification system. Note: The English version of this document ...

PBN Cert rules cover
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification Chain of Custody certification Due Diligence System certification EUDR alignment
Preferred by Nature Certification - Certification Rules V1.0
Published by 

This document provides detailed information about how the programme operates for any interested stakeholder. It is mainly used as internal guidance for Preferred by Nature staff, ...

This document provides detailed information about how the programme operates for any interested stakeholder. It is mainly used as internal guidance for Preferred by Nature staff, ...

Benchmarking summaries

PBNC FSC FM add-on Aug24 ENG
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Forest Stewardship Council Forest Management Standard
Published by 

This document encapsulates the benchmark findings, facilitating comparison with the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) standards for forest management. It also considers FSC Regul...

This document encapsulates the benchmark findings, facilitating comparison with the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) standards for forest management. It also considers FSC Regul...

Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Standard
Preferred by Nature Certification Chain of Custody certification
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Standard
Published by 

By comparing the FSC CoC Standard with our own Sustainability Framework, we have identified additional indicators to propel your sustainability efforts forward with the Preferred ...

By comparing the FSC CoC Standard with our own Sustainability Framework, we have identified additional indicators to propel your sustainability efforts forward with the Preferred ...

RA SA benchmark incl EUDR JUN24
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard
Published by 

This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...

This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...

Get in contact with us

Our experts are ready to support you on your sustainability journey.

humming bird

Gain more insights into the programme! 
Join our upcoming courses.

No upcoming events for this topic yet. Keep an eye on this page for updates!
Event title Event type Language Location Dates Status
EU Deforestation Regulation: Exploring the latest interpretations and updates Webinar English Online 30 - Completed
Introduction to the Preferred by Nature's EUDR-aligned Due Diligence Toolkit Webinar English Online 21 - Completed
Seminar om EUDR og certificeringsløsninger for træ- og papirprodukter Seminar Danish Odense, Denmark 25 - Completed
Seminar on EUDR and certification solutions for wood and paper products Seminar Danish Odense, Denmark 25 - Completed
EUDR insights: Working together for responsible and deforestation-free supply chains Seminar French Paris, France 15 - Completed
Introduction to key aspects of the FSC and PEFC CoC certifications Seminar Danish Hørning, Denmark 30 - Completed
EUDR Ready: Navigating FSC & PEFC standards for a deforestation-free supply chain Webinar Estonian Online 17 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Bridging challenges and solutions Seminar Czech Brno, Czechia 10 - Completed
FSC og PEFC sporbarhedscertificering (Chain of Custody - CoC) Seminar Danish Hørning, Denmark 28 - Completed
Meeting EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) requirements for the coffee sector Seminar English Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 15 - Completed
Navigating the EUDR with practical solutions for Indonesia’s supply chain Webinar Bahasa Indonesia Online 30 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 27 - Completed
EUDR: Get ready with our overview, updates and solutions Webinar Japanese Online 17 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Minnesota, USA 29 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Argentina 27 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Spanish Argentina 21 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation: Unpacking the latest updates and solutions Webinar Simplified Chinese Online 08 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Montreal, Canada 25 - Completed
EUDR: Understanding implications for US companies Webinar English Online 13 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Toronto, Canada 12 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Simplified Chinese China 05 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Implications for the agricultural sector Webinar Spanish Online 20 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Implications for the agricultural sector Webinar Spanish Online 20 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 19 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 30 - Completed
Implications of the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) for the forestry sector Webinar Spanish Online 17 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Bangalore, India 12 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 28 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 20 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice: EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Estonian Tallinn, Estonia 16 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice - EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Latvian Rīga, Latvia 15 - Completed
Sustainability in Practice - EUDR & Carbon Footprint Management Seminar Lithuanian Vilnius, Lithuania 13 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Beijing, China 06 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Beijing, China 06 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Concepción, Chile 02 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 26 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Business implications and impact Webinar Simplified Chinese Online 22 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Medellín, Colombia 14 - Completed
EUDR & the Future of Forest-risk Commodities Procurement Seminar, Webinar Japanese Tokyo, Japan 12 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Online 05 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 29 - Completed
How Scientific Testing can support companies to comply with Due Diligence requirements of the EUDR? Webinar English Online 28 - Completed
How Scientific Testing can support the enforcement of the EUDR? Webinar English Online 21 - Completed
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Business implications and compliance Seminar Simplified Chinese Shanghai, China 20 - Completed
Complying with the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): A practical workshop for timber businesses Seminar Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 13 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Sabah, Malaysia 09 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Sarawak, Malaysia 08 - Completed
EUDR and FSC Policy to Address Conversion & Remedy Framework – What will it mean for Malaysian companies? Seminar English Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06 - Completed
Informationsdag FSC og PEFC sporbarhedscertificering Seminar Danish Denmark Completed

Other Forestry, All inclusive, Agriculture Certification Schemes

Preferred by Nature Certification
Certification Preferred by Nature

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forest - Switzerland
Forest & farm certification
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Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™)

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wood planks
FSC Chain of Custody
Certification Chaîne de contrôle - FSC

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FSC Forest Management
Certification de gestion forestière - FSC

Garantissez une sylviculture responsable à vos acheteurs et investisseurs.

construction project
FSC Project Certification
Certification de projet FSC

Certifiez votre projet de construction et communiquez l'origine responsable du bois utilisé pour la construction.

FSC Controlled Wood
Qu’est-ce que le bois contrôlé ?

Améliorez votre capacité à commercialiser des produits forestiers avec des déclarations de bois contrôlé, comme l'…


Whether you operate at forest level or as an operator in a supply chain, demonstrate your ability to exclude illegal…

Programme de reconnaissance des certifications forestières (PEFC)

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PEFC Chain of Custody Certification
PEFC Chain of Custody
Certification de la chaîne de contrôle - PEFC

Obtenez la certification de la chaîne de contrôle PEFC afin d'élargir votre accès au marché et de transmettre les…

PEFC Forest Management Certification
PEFC Forest Management
Certification de gestion forestière PEFC

Obtenez la certification PEFC pour garantir vos pratiques de gestion forestière responsable.

Responsible Biomass Programme
Responsible Biomass Programme

Verify your responsible biomass compliance with legal requirements.


Ensuring responsible management of forest resources while balancing environmental, economic and social needs.

Sustainable Biomass Program-SBP
Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP)

Obtenez la certification SBP pour avoir l'assurance que votre biomasse ligneuse est d'origine légale et…

Sustainable Forestry Initiative-SFI
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)

Supporting forest stakeholders in adopting best practices and improving operations.
