
FSC 专家培训

学会读懂 FSC 审核员的想法——或者自己成为一名审核员!

挖掘我们在 FSC 认证方面的专业知识。这些综合培训课程由 Preferred by Nature 的顶级专家开展并经  ASI批准,符合 FSC-STD-20-001 V4-0 和 FSC-PRO-20-004 V1-2 的最新要求,旨在提高你对 FSC 认证的理解——无论你当前的背景如何。来自 25 个国家的 250 余名参与者从这一宝贵培训中受益。

本次培训欢迎任何对 FSC 认证充满热情的人,包括获认证的公司、公共部门组织、研究人员、非政府组织、顾问和怀有抱负的 FSC 审核员。


我们FSC 专家培训提供两种不同的课程,以满足的具体目标:

  • 森林管理(FM):该课程深入研究 FSC FM 标准,让你掌握评估合规性和开展 FM 审核的技能,包括与受控木材相关的内容。该课程由在线模块,以及五天的强化课堂培训组成。

  • 产销监管链(CoC):该课程侧重于 FSC CoC 标准,为参与者进行 CoC 审核做好准备,确保公司根据FSC 要求采购和处理受控木材。该课程由在线模块以及三天的强化课堂培训组成。



FSC 专家培训使你全面了解 FSC 认证以及在该领域脱颖而出所需的技能。无论您是 FSC 新手还是想要增强现有知识,该项目都能够在 FSC 认证的所有领域提供宝贵的学习成果。以下是你可以获得的好处:

  1. 扎实的 FSC 基础:全面了解 FSC 体系、核心原则、商标和相关标准,包括与受控木材相关的标准。

  2. 掌握审核技术:根据最新要求和 ISO 19011 原则,掌握 FSC 审核的专业知识。包括学习如何在 FM 和 CoC 实践中评估 FSC 标准的合规性。
  3. 了解认证要求:了解 FSC 认证要求的复杂性,了解 FM 和 CoC 认证的申请过程。
  4. 有效的报告写作:培养较强的报告写作技能,清晰简洁地记录你的审核发现和建议。

  5. 沟通技巧:学习如何将复杂的FSC概念有效地传达给不同的受众,包括利益相关者、客户和同事。

  6. 团队合作和解决问题的能力:提高你在团队环境中有效合作的能力,解决与 FSC 实施相关的挑战。

获得 FSC 审核员培训证书


成功完成课程并通过考试后,你将获得特定 FM 或 CoC 认证计划的 FSC 审核员培训证书。未通过考试的学生将获得“出席证书”。

注:除了通过课程外,你还需要获得相关经验并参与 FSC 审核才能正式被批准为 FSC 审核员。请联系你的FSC 认证机构了解更多信息。Preferred by Nature 不提供实际的在职培训(我们的员工成为合格审核员这一过程除外)。


认识我们的 FSC 专家培训 培训师

Climate Specialist
Forestry Manager
Senior Agriculture Manager, Europe
Regional Director, Asia Pacific
Supply Chain Specialist
Senior Manager, Forestry - Europe

Check our FSC 专家培训 calendar and book your seat

Event title Event type Language Location Dates Status
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 14 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Chinese Simplified Beijing, China 05 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 19 -
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 09 -
Event title Event type Language Location Dates Status
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 27 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Minnesota, USA 29 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Argentina 27 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Spanish Argentina 21 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Montreal, Canada 25 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Toronto, Canada 12 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Chinese Simplified China 05 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 19 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 30 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Bangalore, India 12 - Completed
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 28 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 20 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Beijing, China 06 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Beijing, China 06 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Concepción, Chile 02 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 26 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Medellín, Colombia 14 - Completed
FSC Controlled Wood Expert Course Expert course English Online 05 - Completed
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 29 - Completed

Want to stay informed about upcoming courses ?

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*This code is valid for the first course attendance and cannot be used in combination with other discounts.

Frequently Asked Questions


Have questions about the training?

Kara Wires

Technical Manager, North America



For more information, download our:

FSC FSC Controlled Wood
FSC CW field visit template

Company Declaration regarding FSC's basic requirements for Labor Rights

Virksomhedserklæring vedr. FSC’s grundlæggende krav til arbejdstagerrettigheder...

Virksomhedserklæring vedr. FSC’s grundlæggende krav til arbejdstagerrettigheder...

Guide for Self-assessment regarding basic requirements for Labor Rights

Guide til Egenvurdering vedr. FSC®’s grundlæggende krav til arbejdstagerrettigh...

Guide til Egenvurdering vedr. FSC®’s grundlæggende krav til arbejdstagerrettigh...

Outsourcing agreement template for non-FSC certified contractors

This is the Word format of the outsourcing agreement in our ‘Guide to outsourci...

This is the Word format of the outsourcing agreement in our ‘Guide to outsourci...


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