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Mylène Raimbault

Mylène Raimbault

Senior Forestry Certification Manager, US & Canada

Mylène is responsible for coordinating the delivery of forest management certification activities in Canada. She is also an FSC Forest Management Lead Auditor with experience in local community and Indigenous Relations.

Mylène manages a portfolio of FSC forest management certificates covering over 20 million hectares of public land throughout Québec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. She is a trained FSC FM Lead Auditor and has conducted over 40 FSC Forest Management audits in Canada and the United States, more than half as a Lead Auditor. 

She is the technical expert in Canada for Forest Management and Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) related subjects and is also serving as a liaison with various Indigenous communities and regional stakeholder groups with the objective of ensuring the integrity and credibility of Preferred by Nature’s certification systems.

"Working for Preferred by Nature is very rewarding. The daily work is much aligned with my own personal values: it is focused on the end goal of supporting environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests."

Skills at a glance
  • FSC FM Senior Lead Auditor
  • Forest Management technical support/expertise
  • Registered Professional Forester in Québec, Canada
  • Languages spoken: French and English

Other staff members from Canada

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