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Elliot Peck Williamson

Elliot Peck Williamson

Specialist , Supply Chains

Elliot is responsible for managing the audit planning of a large portfolio of FSC Chain of Custody clients. 

As a Supply Chains Specialist in Preferred by Nature, Elliot provides French and English FSC Chain of Custody services for over 100 clients across Canada.

Elliot earned her undergraduate degree at McGill University in Geography and Sociology and gained technical proficiency with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Under McGill University’s Geography department Elliot pursued research studying the environmental and social impacts of e-commerce supply chains in North America. Elliot’s studies at the University of Auckland focused on marine management and she continues to act as a marine stewardship and fisheries educator in Canada.

In 2021, Elliot completed the FSC Chain of Custody Lead Auditor Training.

"I believe that intentional human choices can ensure a sustainable future. I am thrilled to support environmentally, and socially responsible organisations gain certification which in turn promotes a diverse global market of products sourced from responsibly managed forests."

Skills at a glance
  • Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Sociology
  • Expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Languages spoken: English and French

Other staff members from Canada

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