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Deepali Rautela

Deepali Rautela

Manager, Supply Chains

Deepali functions as a Supply Chains Coordinator with Preferred by Nature, managing client’s portfolio across Atlantic Canada and Ontario.

As part of the Preferred by Nature traceability team, Deepali is responsible for managing and supporting forestry chain of custody businesses across Atlantic Canada and Ontario. She is involved in conducting audits under the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM) Chain of Custody and Controlled Wood programmes. In addition, Deepali supports forestry businesses in carrying out chain of custody audits against the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). 

Deepali joined Preferred by Nature in November 2021.

"I have always wanted to work with an organisation having sustainability and people as a core driver for its vision. Working with Preferred by Nature, I found an opportunity to not only learn and grow in diverse sectors with the support of an amazing team but also be part of the Solution by supporting organisations to achieve sustainable supply chains and objectives through stakeholder-driven standards and schemes."

Skills at a glance

Deepali began her career in 2014, working with stakeholders and managing the Forest Certification Standards and Scheme Development in India (now PEFC Endorsed) and supporting projects for the Indigenous community's economic and social development in Canada. 

Since then, she has acquired these skills:

  • •    MSc. in Environmental Sciences
    •    FSC Chain of Custody Lead Auditor 
    •    FSC Controlled Wood Auditor
    •    PEFC Chain of Custody Auditor
    •    SFI Chain of Custody Auditor
    •    Languages: Hindi and English

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