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Preferred by Nature Joins Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

By Preferred by Nature

Responsible for a significant share of global GHG emissions and a leading driver of deforestation, cattle and beef production represents one of the biggest and most complex sustainability challenges of our time. However, where there are major challenges, there is also a major opportunity for positive impact. This can only be possible through global collaborations between multiple stakeholders, including farmers, industry and policy makers.

In line with its mission to work for more sustainable production methods and supply chains in the cattle sector, Preferred by Nature has joined The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB).

GRSB is the single largest convening platform of NGOs, academia, industry, as well as regional multi-stakeholder initiatives, smaller roundtables, and individuals from over 24 countries in the cattle sector.

“The cattle sector is the single largest driver of deforestation and climate change compared to any other agricultural or forestry commodity. As a mission driven organisation, it is imperative we engage with this sector in areas that will drive sustainability,” said Jennifer Mleczko, Preferred by Nature’s Commodity Lead for cattle, continuing:

“This includes working towards decreasing pressure on forests and climate, on top of promoting holistic systems that support soil health, biodiversity, animal health and welfare, and overall ethical practices,” said Jennifer Mleczko

Sustainable gains trough real action

The cattle sector faces critical challenges. While the livestock sector generally is an integral part of global food systems, supporting livelihoods, and nutrition security for almost 1.3. billion people, the sector subverts sustainability in several ways.

Cattle as a commodity is the largest user of global agricultural land, contributing to soil degradation, water, and environmental pollution. These negative impacts are expected to grow as incomes and populations rise in developing countries. GRSB has set ambitious goals on climate and nature positive production.

“By joining GRSB, we are excited to work with partners and contribute our sustainability expertise, creating impact where it counts: From farm to retail level. By liaising with major industry players, civil society organisations, producer organisations, and other GRSB-members, Preferred by Nature will support sustainability gains in this sector, which can move the needle significantly on environmental and climate goals through real action,” said Jennifer Mleczko
Cattle is part of Preferred by Nature’s commodity strategy, which is targeting globally traded commodities that are causing a particularly high level of harm to the environment, climate and people. The strategy also prioritises rubber, cocoa, soy, timber, coffee and palm oil.



Learn more about Preferred by Nature’s focus on cattle here
Listen to Jennifer explaining the cattle challenge here


Cattle and beef facts:

  • Cattle is the largest driver of deforestation of any commodity, driving 41% of global deforestation annually.
  • Beef, across various studies, is the food group tied to the most amount of GHG emissions and has the heaviest carbon footprint, compared to any other food or protein source
  • The most recent OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook expects worldwide growth in the global cattle population to reach 2 billion by 2033, an increase from today’s 1.5 billion. This increase is projected to mostly occur in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asia, where deforestation and ecological degradation risk are already extremely high.

The timely joining of the Roundtable is also accompanied by Preferred by Nature’s participation in the 2024 Global Conference on Sustainable Beef, organised by GRSB in Uruguay. Ariel Zorilla, Director of Brazil, will be in attendance and representing the organisation.

Jennifer Mleczko
Senior Sustainability Specialist
Lead for North America for Tailored Services
Cattle Commodity Lead

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