Project Portfolio
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Revitalising the Silam Coast Conservation Area for a sustainable future
The Silam Coast Conservation Area (SCCA) Restoration Project is an eight-year collaborative initiative between Preferred by Nature and the
Project ViewForest Ecosystem Restoration Field Verification Standard
Forest ecosystems are under intense pressure from our rising population and its hunger for more land and resources.
Project ViewIndonēzijas rīsu audzētāju pilnvarošana izmantot ilgtspējīgu praksi labākai iztikai
Visā pasaulē 20 miljoni hektāru rīsu lauku ir pakļauti plūdiem, bet vēl 20 miljoni hektāru ir jutīgi pret sausumu.
Project ViewStyrkelse af indonesiske risfarmere med bæredygtige praksisser for forbedring af levebrød
Globalt set er 20 millioner hektar rismarker er udsat for oversvømmelser; andre 20 millioner hektar er udsat for tørke.
Project ViewEmpowering Indonesian rice farmers with sustainable practices for better livelihoods
Globally, 20 million hectares of rice fields are prone to floods; another 20 million hectares are susceptible to drought.
Project ViewCapacity building of Vietnam's timber industry
The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has commissioned Preferred by Nature to provide background analyses of timber trade f
Project ViewDeveloping background analyses for Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) support project in Cameroon, Laos and Vietnam
The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has commissioned Preferred by Nature to provide background analyses of timber trade f
Project ViewClosing the Gaps on Illegal Timber Trade
The EU Timber Regulation was implemented in 2013, but many companies in the EU are either not aware of the regulation and/or how to comply with it.
Project ViewStrengthening Forest Dependent Communities in Nepal Through Capacity Building in Sustainable Forest Management and Certification
This project aims to build and strengthen forest dependent communities in Nepal by mapping out the opportunities for the communities and by strengt
Project ViewIndependent Audit of the Timber Legality Assurance System in the Republic of Congo
The overall aim of this project was helping to build and improve forest governance and enhance the sustainable management of natural resources in t
Project ViewSupporting Forest Owners in Romania to Become FSC Certified
The overall aim of this project was to support sustainable forestry in Romania.
Project ViewStrengthening the Voices for Mekong Forests
The Mekong region’s forest cover has decreased over recent years, jeopardising the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities.
Project ViewSustainability Reporting for Palm Oil Companies
The aim of this project was to develop online capacity-building tools to help palm oil companies in Indonesia that were either legally required or
Project ViewTesting Indonesian National FSC standard
The purpose of this project was to test the auditability of the Indonesia National Forest Stewardship.
Project ViewImproving rural livelihoods through wood from sustainable sources
The project strives to support sustainable livelihoods of 6,000 poor and low income rural farmers in the Quang Tri province of Vietnam, and to impr
Project ViewNew training turns EUTR due diligence to timber trade advantage
New knowledge, tools and free training in 12 EU countries- The initiative, "Increasing Awareness and Capacity to Support Effective
Project ViewEnhancing the Responsible Sourcing of Forest Impact Commodities
This project aimed to develop risk analyses for soy, palm oil and cattle, commodities that are known to be directly associated with forest degradat
Project ViewEnhancing the Responsible Sourcing of Forest Impact Commodities
Project Official Title: Responsible sourcing of soya, palm oil, beef and cattle hide/leather: Reducing social and environmental risks when
Project ViewDelivering social and environmental benefits by involving communities in the FSC system
We conducted an analysis of existing practices that could be applied to FSC Forest Management certification in order to ensure t
Project ViewDiagnosis and Regulatory Assessment of the Value Chains for Forest Product Enterprises in the Mekong Subregion
This project aimed to foster private and public engagement in forest sector governance and legal forest management in the Mekong Subregion, to supp
Project ViewImproving Livelihoods and Fighting Climate Change in Kenya
The cornerstones of this project were to raise the livelihoods of marginalised communities and, at the same time, contribute to the stabilisat
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