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¿Sabía que el ganado es responsable del 41% de la deforestación global?

¿Por qué el ganado?

El sector ganadero juega tanto un papel positivo como negativo en la agricultura. Por un lado, es uno de los principales causantes del daño ambienta, contribuyendo en gran manera a la deforestación y cambio climático. Por el otro lado, el ganado es vital para la seguridad alimentaria y estabilidad económica, especialmente en regiones con limitado acceso y oportunidades a nutritientes o desarrollo económico. La gestión apropiada y los límites al tamaño de la manada puede resultar en un resultado ambiental neto positivo, incluyendo la mejora de biodiversidad y la salud del suelo. Por ello, los esfuerzos enfocados en la industria son escenciales para promover un cambio hacia prácticas más sostenibles que efectivamente aborden el cambio climático, protegan el ambiente y mejoren el bienestar tanto de las personas como de los animales. 

Emisiones de Gases de efecto invernadero: el ganado contribuye aproximadamente al 40% de emisiones de gases metano a nivel global.
Uso del suelo: cerca del 80% del suelo agrícola es utilizado para la ganadería, especialmente para ganado de pastoreo.
Deforestación: el ganado genera 41% de la deforestación, el mayor porcentaje producido por cualquier otro commodity.
Pérdida de la biodiversidad: el ganado tiene un impacto significativo en la biodiversidad, representando 35% de la biomasa global mamífera, mientras que los animales silvestres representan solamente el 4%.

What are the challenges?

The cattle sector faces critical challenges. While the livestock sector supports livelihoods and nutrition security for almost 1.3. billion people, it also undermines sustainability in many ways. Among all agricultural commodities and livestock species, the cattle sector poses the most significant sustainability challenges. Both supply and demand side issues, exacerbated by increasing global demand, need to be addressed. This underscores the importance of adopting sustainable management practices to balance environmental conservation with food security and economic growth.


ÚLTIMA HORA: Nueva legislación europea sobre deforestación – una esperanza para los bosques y un cambio drástico para las empresas.

La UE finalmente llegó hoy a un acuerdo sobre una nueva ley histórica para evitar que las empresas comercialicen productos básicos relacionados con la deforestación y la degradación forestal en todo el mundo en el mercado de la UE. El nuevo Reglamento de Deforestación de la UE (EUDR) establece normas ambiciosas para poner freno a la defor...

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30 years of impact

Creating sustainable impact is at the heart of our mission.



farmers, workers and land managers are assured that their well-being, human rights and cultural heritage are protected.


32.6 million

hectares of land where nature and environment are protected from degradation and conversion through use of sustainability standards.



tonnes of CO2 emissions have been reduced, thus lowering the climate impact.

Why cattle?

Meet our experts

Our goal to foster lasting, positive transformations in key agricultural and forestry products around the world is guided by seasoned professionals. These experts bring a wealth of practical knowledge from extensive field experience and involvement in international supply networks. Hear their perspectives on the obstacles and opportunities for progress in their respective fields.

Jennifer Mleczko

Senior Sustainability Specialist

Explore other focus areas


Biomass is essential for sustainable development, reducing carbon emissions, and providing renewable energy. Its growing utilisation highlights its importance in combating climate change and promoting sustainable practices across various industries.

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While vital for food security, cattle also contribute to deforestation and climate change. Focused efforts are needed to promote sustainable practices that enhance biodiversity, soil health and the well-being of people and animals.

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Addressing climate change is urgent for sustainable development. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions emissions through innovative strategies is essential to mitigate its impact.

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Cocoa farming impacts the environment, economy and climate globally. Sustainable practices such as agroforestry can mitigate its negative effects, making cocoa relevant for climate change mitigation.

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Balancing economic sustainability with responsible production practices is crucial in the coffee industry. Adapting to climate change while meeting rising global demand is essential for sustainable coffee production.

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Revitalising ecosystems is crucial for our planet’s health and preservation. Combating deforestation and degradation with sustainable practices ensures long-term recovery.

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Palm Oil

Palm oil production supports economies but raises environmental and social concerns. Sustainable practices are crucial to address issues such as deforestation and labour rights.

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Rice production significantly impacts climate and nature. Addressing emissions, water usage and deforestation in rice farming can lead to positive environmental changes.

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Natural rubber is essential for industries but contributes to deforestation and biodiversity loss. Addressing sustainability concerns such as poor working conditions is crucial in rubber production.

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Soy plays a vital role in global food security and biofuel production. Emphasising sustainable growth is essential to address environmental challenges in soy farming.

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Timber's global impacts on people, nature and climate require sustainable management. Forests are essential for biodiversity as well as soil and water conservation.

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The travel industry's sustainability intersects with environmental conservation and cultural preservation. Responsible consumption and support for local communities are crucial for sustainable travel.

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Our mission extends beyond these focus areas to any crop or product with potential for sustainable impact. We support conservation and ecosystem restoration projects worldwide and help businesses adapt to changing regulations.

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