Elena Sosa del Cerro
Elena supports the management of Preferred by Nature’s Responsible Tailored Services department, covering our due diligence services for forest-impact commodities.
Elena provides specialist advice on our sustainable sourcing services, which include timber legality, sustainable biomass and assistance on other forest and agricultural raw materials, such as coffee, cocoa, rubber, palm oil or soy, among others.
Elena has more than fifteen years of professional experience in the environmental auditing and consulting fields, notably as a Rainforest Alliance (international non-profit organisation) advisor to corporations on sustainable sourcing of commodities linked with deforestation and forest degradation. Elena holds a BSc in Environmental Sciences, MSc in Nature Management and Conservation and a MSc in Sustainability and CSR.
Elena joined Preferred by Nature in 2017.
"Forests are vital for maintaining a healthy planet and I believe that companies have a responsibility towards the way natural resources are managed. I am proud of being part of a team that helps companies embrace this responsibility and transform their supply chains."
- Project management and sustainability advisory
- EU Timber Regulation and LegalSource technical support/expertise
- Sustainability Framework technical support/expertise
- Expertise in sustainable certification schemes: FSC, SBP (Sustainable Biomass Program) and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certifications
- International work experience in the forest products industry – projects in different countries: Cameroon, China, France, Indonesia, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
- Languages spoken: English, French, Spanish