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What are your plans for FSC Friday?


On 28 September, the annual celebration to raise awareness of the aims and impact of FSC certification will take place in a number of countries around the world, spearheaded by the FSC National Offices and supported by a large number of stakeholders.

Certified businesses, NGOs, schools and other organisations are all contributing to raise awareness about FSC certification on this day. If you don't have any plans for FSC Friday yet, here are a few ideas.

You can celebrate at any level

FSC FridayThere are numerous ways to mark your support to responsible forestry on FSC Friday, requiring different levels of engagement and time investment. All of these are very helpful for the FSC system and simultaneously help brand your organisation as forest-friendly.

Some organisations organise competitions or events, and many FSC National Offices facilitate this by making materials such as posters and flyers available for free. In past years, some business organisations have championed their FSC productcs by offering special discounts in conjunction with FSC Friday.

Some certified organisations seize this opportunity to make a public donation to support organisations or projects focussed on responsible forestry or trade.

You can also support FSC Friday by several actions and gestures that don't require much planning or resources investment, but still mark your support to the event. Ranging from blog posts and website announcements to highlighting your FSC engagement in an internal newsletter, such actions also help make the FSC Friday visible and to raise awareness about FSC.

Regardless of your level of involvement, we wish you a truly joyful FSC Friday!

Find out more on FSC's website.

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