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Non-conformities in on-site vs remote audits – Preferred by Nature’s comparative study

By Preferred by Nature

In a period characterised by increased environmental awareness, sustainability certifications have become a focal point, ensuring that organisations adhere to stringent standards. But when it comes to identifying non-conformities, how do on-site and remote audits compare?

In a period characterised by increased environmental awareness, sustainability certifications have become a focal point, ensuring that organisations adhere to stringent standards. But when it comes to identifying non-conformities, how do on-site and remote audits compare?

Preferred by Nature ventures into this critical terrain with its latest comparative study. Drawing from a robust dataset of over 20,000 audits conducted between 2018 and 2022, this investigation scrutinises the prevalence of non-conformities (NCRs) detected within audits against the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) and Rainforest Alliance (RA) standards.

Getting to the heart of the matter

At its core, the study seeks to unearth not just the number but also the nature of non-conformities, and their geographical footprint. The analysis delved into distinct NCR categories, classifying them into three groups: environmental, social and systems. By scrutinising these factors, the study sought to develop a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses associated with each audit method, thus informing decision-making processes regarding future audit practices.

As we navigate through an era accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the audit landscape is undergoing a seismic shift. Remote audits have surged in prominence, driven by claims that they might become the "new normal" due to their potential cost-efficiency and speed. But this raises a vital question: Do they hold the same power as traditional on-site assessments?

Unlocking key insights

Preferred by Nature's rigorous analysis delivers a resounding answer – on-site audits consistently outshine their remote counterparts when it comes to uncovering non-conformities. Remarkably, the average number of non-conformities identified in on-site audits for each category surpasses remote audits by up to four times. This underscores the irreplaceable role of on-site assessments.

The power of a holistic approach

In conclusion, Preferred by Nature’s research underscores the value of adopting a well-rounded audit approach that encompasses both on-site and remote methodologies. This inclusive strategy not only guarantees thorough evaluations but also reinforces adherence to sustainability certification standards.

Ready to dive deeper?

If these insights have left you eager for more, delve into Preferred by Nature's comparative study for a complete breakdown of details and conclusions:

Prevalence and types of non-conformities identified in on-site vs remote audits for sustainability certification systems | A comparative study


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