

Karla Noemi López

From January 20 ,  2022 , the FSC has introduced a new TLA (Trademark License Agreement). Therefore, FSC single certificate holders applying for new or renewed certification must sign a new TLA.

The Trademark License Agreement is the legal document that defines the relationship between the FSC and the certificate holder. It grants organizations holding FSC certificates the right to use the FSC trademarks for product labelling and promotional purposes. For specific rules on the use of FSC trademarks by certificate holders, see " Requirements for certificate holders to use FSC trademarks. "

Certification bodies, such as Preferred by Nature, can now only grant FSC certification or recertification after their clients have signed a new TLA. The new rules only apply to FSC single certificate holders and not to group or multi-site certifications.

FSC regularly revises the TLA to bring it into line with the latest legal requirements and to ensure that the integrity and credibility of the FSC certification scheme is maintained and protected.

The new FSC TLA identifies new rules to improve the FSC's ability to punish and / or deter organisations that make false claims. Additionally, it has been updated to ensure compliance with GDPR - the European Regulation Governing Data Protection.

Sign a new agreement

Certificate holders can electronically sign new TLAs within the FSC Certification Portal.

For anticipated certification renewals, Preferred by Nature will contact FSC single certificate holders to assist them in complying with the new FSC requirements and provide guidance on the new FSC TLA finalization process. Certificate holders will receive an invitation to activate their FSC Connect account and log into the FSC Certification Portal to sign the new TLA.

Our team can answer any questions about the new FSC requirements and support you throughout the process.

Also, you can check out FSC's FAQ for more information.


Have a question? Contact us.


