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Jonathan Jickling

Jonathan Jickling

Senior Director - Assurance division

Jon leads the Preferred by Nature Assurance division, which supports businesses’ global efforts towards sustainable land management and responsible sourcing through certification and verification.

Jon has extensive experience in forestry, agroforestry, natural resource management, certification programme management, as well as sustainability auditing in more than 25 countries. Jon holds an MSc in Forest Economics and a BSc in Forest Management.

Prior to joining Preferred by Nature, Jon worked with the Rainforest Alliance for 23 years, where he served as the Head of Corporate assurance services, Quality Manager, and led the RA-Cert certification programme. He has served on standards working groups and innovations groups to develop models for smallholder, group and non-timber forest product certification.

Jon served internationally as a lead auditor for the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM) Forest Management, Controlled Wood and Chain of Custody audits. He is also trained as a lead auditor for ISO 9001 and Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standards. 

Jon joined Preferred by Nature in 2018 after serving six years on Preferred by Nature's board of directors.

"Working with companies, communities and stakeholders around the globe to address environmental and social sustainability challenges never ceases to be interesting and rewarding."

Skills at a glance
  • FSC forest management/controlled wood and sustainable agriculture auditing
  • Quality assurance management
  • Project evaluation
  • Experienced trainer
  • BSc in Forest Management
  • MSc in Forest Economics
  • Languages spoken: English and Spanish

Other staff members from United States

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