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Sebastian Pandu Dewa Artha

Sebastian Pandu Dewa Artha

Forestry Coordinator
+6281 337 495 876

As the Forestry Coordinator in Preferred by Nature, Sebastian manages the execution of forestry assessments and audits for forestry businesses.

In his role, Sebastian is involved in all aspects of the audit process such as budgeting, service contracts, logistic planning, reporting and liaison with clients. He provides customer service to clients by communicating with clients, along with other auditors, in preparation and finalisation of audit engagements, as well as preparing assessment reports based on audit findings. 

Aside from these, Sebastian also receives, processes and files forms, conducts data entry and other information for a full range of certification services.

"Preferred by Nature can be a means for me to apply the knowledge I have gained while studying in sustainable forest management, which is one of my ways to take concrete steps to participate in efforts to protect our nature. Not only for now but for a longer period of time."

Skills at a glance
  • Bachelor's degree in Forestry
  • GIS Analyst
  • Drone pilot for overview and mapping
  • Experienced in monitoring and evaluating peatland restoration and mangrove rehabilitation in Indonesia at Badan Restorasi Gambut dan Mangrove Indonesia

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