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Dewa Ayu Sekar Pratiwi

Dewa Ayu Sekar Pratiwi

Sustainability Analyst

Sekar is in charge of monitoring and supporting the implementation of Quality Management System across Tailored Service division. She is also involved in  providing administrative, financial and technical support to Tailored Service Project Managers, as well as partners and team members involved in the service delivery.

As the QMS Admin for Tailored Services in Preferred by Nature, Sekar monitors and supports the implementation of Quality Management system across the Tailored Service division. She maintains the procedure and tools to ensure the quality of services, including Tailored Services Handbook and procedure for quality reviews.

Aside from these, Sekar also provides administrative duties for advisory services including preparation of proposals and contracts, communication with external parties and information management. She also delivers technical support for Timber Legality Risk Assessment services.

"Back at my college life as a forestry student, my professor always teaches me that it is very difficult/almost impossible to balance between economic and ecological aspect in natural resources business. But in Preferred by Nature, I can be part of those impossible work to support better land management and business practices that not only benefit for people, but also give positive impact for our nature and climate."

Skills at a glance
  • Bachelor degree in Forestry
  • Project Management
  • Having experience as certification officer on Biofuel Certification Program (GGL, ISCC, and INS)

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