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Samentha James

Samentha James

Communications Specialist

As a Communications Specialist, Samentha’s role centres on communicating with on-ground colleagues across the world to report and raise awareness on sustainability issues and efforts to a variety of audiences. 

Her main responsibilities as a member of the Preferred by Nature Communications Team include implementing a wide range of internal and external communication activities across the organisation.

This is done to build awareness on sustainable land use, natural resource management and sustainability topics such as sustainable agriculture, transparency and traceability in forest-related commodities' supply chains. 

Samentha is based in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia and has been part of the Preferred by Nature family since 2021. 

"Working with Preferred by Nature gives me the opportunity to put my passion for sustainability to work while doing what I’ve always loved – writing & communicating. It’s truly a satisfying feeling knowing that my day-to-day work is making a significant contribution towards a better tomorrow."

Skills at a glance
  • BSc Communications & Psychology
  • Former assistant editor of local digital news media
  • Experienced in public relations, marketing, content and copy writing
  • Certified FSC™ Forest Management Auditor

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