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Hue Su Wah

Hue Su Wah

Sustainability Specialist

Su Wah supports the provision of LegalSource and sustainability services to businesses in the forest-impact sector. This includes providing consultancy, risk assessment, risk mitigation as well as training. 

As a Sustainability Specialist, Su Wah provides advisory services to clients in the forest-impact sector to support them in sourcing legal and responsible sources. Her responsibilities cover delivering supply chain risk assessment, mitigation activities, training and system development to meet international legal requirements (e.g. EUTR) and sustainability criteria. 

"I strongly believe that sustainability is the way forward to make the world better. Through Preferred by Nature, we are able to ensure the supply chain of the client is safe and sustainable in delivering the wood product from a properly managed forest. I enjoy being part of the organisation in promoting sustainability."

Skills at a glance
  • MSc in Forestry
  • GIS
  • Language spoken: Chinese, English, Malay

Other staff members from Malaysia

Senior Sustainability Specialist
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