Monika Kowalska
Certification Support Manager, Europe
Monika is responsible for ensuring a smooth work-flow and good team-spirit in our Certification Support team working for Europe.
She is overall responsible for the efficient administration of Preferred by Nature's growing certification services in compliance with the accreditation standards. Besides, her tasks include issuing certificates, maintaining certification databases and communication with clients.
Monika passed Preferred by Nature’s courses for FSC, SAN/RA CoC and LegalSource auditor. She graduated from the University of Agriculture in Krakow (Environmental Protection).
Monika joined Preferred by Nature in 2010.
"We can’t abandon benefits of our civilisation, but we can use them without hurting our Earth. I’m happy to see that year by year people learn how to respect and protect natural environment."
Skills at a glance
- Team coordination and management
- Certification administration
- Languages: Polish, English