Mark Graveel
Supply Chain Specialist
Mark is mainly responsible for Chain of Custody auditing of companies within Preferred by Nature's Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification schemes in the Southeastern United States.
Mark's main tasks include planning, conducting and administering supply chain audits for FSC Chain of Custody system as a Supply Chains Specialist. His responsibilities also extend to providing customer services to clients.
Aside from that, Mark participates in various training to expand his credentials and help a wide array of Preferred by Nature clients.
"I began my career as a forester in the southeast and managed a wide variety of clients for nearly 10 years. I’ve always been passionate about sharing my knowledge of forestry and helping to educate my clients about sustainable forestry practices. Through Preferred By Nature, I now have the ability to share the benefits of sustainable forestry and forest products on a much larger scale."
Skills at a glance
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Purdue University and spent a semester studying Mountain Forestry at BOKU University in Austria
- Registered Forester through the Society of American Foresters
- Certified American Tree Farm Inspector and Inspector Trainer with ATFS
- FSC Chain of Custody Lead Auditor Training Certificate