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Join us in making an impact with the Sustainability Framework


Sustainability Framework in a glance

Sustainability Framework Standard V1.4

The Preferred by Nature Sustainability Framework has been revised to provide a single framework for defining and…

The Preferred by Nature Sustainability Framework has been revised to provide a single framework for defining and…

Why we do it?

A framework for everyone

Preferred by Nature’s Sustainability Framework is a universal framework representing core aspects of sustainability. By integrating the essential aspects of sustainability across all commodities and production landscapes, the Sustainability Framework is a good starting point for those seeking to deliver real impact.

The Framework can be applied through a risk-based approach to attain the Preferred by Nature Certification. Additionally, it has been aligned with the requirements of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) to assist affected sectors in achieving compliance.


4 pillars of Sustainability Framework

We are measuring our data based on our developed Framework consisting of four topics:

Principle 1:

Management and business practices are legal and responsible

Principle 2:

People’s well-being and human rights are respected

Principle 3:

Nature and the environment are protected

Principle 4:

Climate impacts are reduced and mitigated

Use the Framework to identify your sustainable impacts

Are you a large business?

Elevate your sustainability efforts with the Preferred by Nature Certification, based on the Sustainability Framework.

Are you a small business?

The Framework adapts to your scale, providing small businesses a foundation for implementing sustainable practices.

Are you a consumer?

Make a difference by choosing products with the Preferred by Nature Seal, signifying a commitment to sustainability and supporting a responsible global supply chain.

Are you an organisation?

Use the Sustainability Framework in procurement and land management for credible and transparent sustainability efforts.

See what our clients have to say

Preferred by Nature and Martin Guitar share the same vision: ‘To pass on the Earth to coming generations in a good shape, we must urgently invent and adopt more sustainable ways of living, sourcing and trading.


Martin Guitar

Preferred by Nature took the time to understand our questions and problem statement. Their Sustainability Framework is a great starting point to assess materials and the risks associated with including them in your supply chain.



The work done for us by Preferred by Nature and their Brazilian partner for this collaboration, Imaflora, is excellent. The report that was produced is very good, but when you look at the raw data backing that report up, it is really a goldmine. It is the encyclopedia of sugar cane sourcing in this part of Brazil.

Tetra pak

Tetra Pak

Cooperating with Preferred by Nature has been incredibly valuable. I am very impressed by the local knowledge, which is essential when working in this area. Preferred by Nature has delivered a very thorough piece of work.



Get in contact with us

Our experts are ready to support you on your sustainability journey.


EUDR - Tackling deforestation and forest degradation in commodity supply chains

Drawing from our extensive experience working with businesses in responsible sourcing and production of various commodities, we are ready to support you with your EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) conformance. We have developed the Sustainability Framework and related certification programme to align with the EUDR requirements.  

stream forest

Leverage our Due Diligence Toolkit

The Preferred by Nature Due Diligence Toolkit is a free, open-source resource designed to align with the Sustainability Framework, offering organisations practical tools to strengthen their responsible sourcing efforts. Whether addressing regulatory requirements like the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) or implementing sustainability practices, this toolkit provides step-by-step guidance, templates and resources to support businesses.


Explore other focus areas


La biomasa es escencial para el desarrollo sostenible, para la reducción de emisiones de carbono y brindar energía renovable. El crecimiento de su uso resalta su importancia para combatir el cambio climático y promover las prácticas sostenibles a lo largo de diferentes industrias. 

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Aunque es vital para la seguridad alimentaria, el ganado también contribuye a la deforestación y al cambio climático. Es necesario centrar los esfuerzos en promover prácticas sostenibles que mejoren la biodiversidad, la salud del suelo y el bienestar de las personas y los animales.

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Abordar el cambio climático es urgente para el desarrollo sostenible. Reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero mediante estrategias innovadoras es esencial para mitigar su impacto.

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El cultivo del cacao tiene un impacto global sobre el medio ambiente, la economía y el clima. Las prácticas sostenibles como la agrosilvicultura pueden mitigar sus efectos negativos, haciendo que el cacao sea relevante para la mitigación del cambio climático.

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Equilibrar la sostenibilidad económica con prácticas de producción responsables es crucial en la industria del café. Adaptarse al cambio climático al tiempo que se satisface la creciente demanda mundial es esencial para una producción sostenible de café.

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Revitalizar los ecosistemas es crucial para la salud y la conservación de nuestro planeta. Combatir la deforestación y la degradación con prácticas sostenibles garantiza la recuperación a largo plazo.

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Palm Oil

La producción de aceite de palma sostiene las economías pero plantea problemas medioambientales y sociales. Las prácticas sostenibles son cruciales para abordar cuestiones como la deforestación y los derechos laborales.

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La producción de arroz tiene un impacto significativo sobre el clima y la naturaleza. Abordar las emisiones, el uso del agua y la deforestación en el cultivo del arroz puede conducir a cambios medioambientales positivos.

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El caucho natural es esencial para las industrias, pero contribuye a la deforestación y a la pérdida de biodiversidad. Abordar los problemas de sostenibilidad, como las malas condiciones laborales, es crucial en la producción de caucho.

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La soja desempeña un papel vital en la seguridad alimentaria mundial y en la producción de biocombustibles. Hacer hincapié en el crecimiento sostenible es esencial para abordar los retos medioambientales en el cultivo de la soja.

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Los impactos globales de la madera sobre las personas, la naturaleza y el clima requieren una gestión sostenible. Los bosques son esenciales para la biodiversidad, así como para la conservación del suelo y el agua.

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La sostenibilidad de la industria de los viajes se cruza con la conservación del medio ambiente y la preservación cultural. El consumo responsable y el apoyo a las comunidades locales son cruciales para los viajes sostenibles.

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Nuestra misión se extiende más allá de estas áreas de interés a cualquier cultivo o producto con potencial de impacto sostenible. Apoyamos proyectos de conservación y restauración de ecosistemas en todo el mundo y ayudamos a las empresas a adaptarse a las cambiantes normativas.

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For more information, download our:

EUDR service infosheet
EUDR Preferred by Nature Certification EUDR alignment
EUDR Service Info Sheet
Published by 

The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) prohibits products and commodities linked with deforestation and forest degradation from being imported into the EU market or exported from ...

The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) prohibits products and commodities linked with deforestation and forest degradation from being imported into the EU market or exported from ...

RA SA benchmark incl EUDR JUN24
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard
Published by 

This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...

This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...

RA SA benchmark incl EUDR JUN24
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard
Published by 

This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...

This document provides a summary of benchmark results for comparison with the Rainforest Alliance's Sustainable Agriculture Standard. It encompasses a concise overview of benchmar...

Preferred by Nature Certification Seal Use
Preferred by Nature Certification Chain of Custody certification
Preferred by Nature Certification Seal Use
Published by 

Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segregation marking and promotion, offering a comprehensive framework for driving positive change and eleva...

Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segregation marking and promotion, offering a comprehensive framework for driving positive change and eleva...


30 years of impact

Creating sustainable impact is at the heart of our mission.

People impact


farmers, workers and land managers are assured that their well-being, human rights and cultural heritage are protected.

Nature impact

32.6 million

hectares of land where nature and environment are protected from degradation and conversion through use of sustainability standards.

Climate impact


tonnes of CO2 emissions have been reduced, thus lowering the climate impact.
