Organisational structure

Board members
Our Board guides and oversees our operations and is involved in strategic planning and decision-making. It includes experts on business administration, organisational development, financial and legal matters as well as conservation, certification and community engagement.
Nicolai Andreas Clausen, Chair
Attorney-at-law and partner, Lou Advokatfirma
Nicolai has extensive experience advising companies on corporate law. He is specialised in areas related to contract law, corporate structures, business transfer, intellectual property rights and real estate, among others.
Nicolai has chaired our Board since 2001.
Ida Theilade, Board Member
Professor in Ethnobotany and Tropical Forest Governance, University of Copenhagen
Ida has worked with the management and conservation of tropical forests for the past 25 years, with her main interests within the areas of indigenous knowledge and natural resource management. She is also a consultant on conservation planning, REDD+ as well as rainforest rehabilitation and a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission on threatened trees.
Ida was also instrumental in developing an app that helps local forest patrols document and prevents illegal logging in Cambodia. The initiative revealed that local populations can play an important role in monitoring and protecting the environment. For this, Ida and her project partners received the 2015 UN Equator Prize.
Ida has been a member of our Board since 2018.
Catur Utami Dewi
Global Rice Programme Coordinator, Rikolto
Dewi is the Global Rice Programme Coordinator of Rikolto, an international network organisation working in 17 countries towards a sustainable income for farmers and nutritious, affordable food for everyone. Dewi oversees its rice programmes in 9 countries in Asia and Africa including the design and implementation of strategic plans.
Starting in 2014, Dewi coordinated the planning, learning and accountability of Rikolto in Indonesia. In 2016, she was appointed as Programme Director and in 2019 as Regional Director, where she managed the organisation and led the programmes on sustainable and quality assured rice, cocoa, coffee, cinnamon and seaweed. She is a member of Rikolto’s International Management Team.
Dewi has been a member of the Board since 2021.
Saúl Blanco Sosa, Board Member
Sustainable Travel Services Manager, Preferred by Nature
Saúl is elected by our staff. Saul joined Preferred by Nature in 2018 (as part of the acquisition of the Rainforest Alliance certification unit). He is responsible for developing and managing Preferred by Nature´s strategy to engage and promote sustainability and the SDGs within the tourism sector. Saúl is also a Senior Auditor for our sustainable tourism certification services and, among other areas of involvement, he is part of the team who worked on developing Preferred by Nature's new brand identity.
He has worked for different organisations such as The Development Foundation of Guatemala – FUNDESA, The Guatemala Tourism Board, USAID Guatemala, Counterpart International and Rainforest Alliance, both as a consultant and also as team leader for various tourism projects, designing and facilitating sustainable tourism trainings and developing tools to measure the impacts of sustainable practices within the travel sector.
Saúl has been a member of the Board since 2020.
Aneeka Malik, Board Member
Senior Specialist, Supply Chains, Preferred by Nature
Aneeka is elected by our staff. She joined Preferred by Nature in 2018 and pre-merger worked at Rainforest Alliance for eight years. Aneeka is an experienced auditor of several chain of custody standards in forestry and agriculture in Preferred by Nature. She is a witness auditor and an expert course trainer for FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody courses.
Beginning her career as a journalist on forestry issues at a local NGO in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Aneeka became interested in the intersection between forests, industry and people. She went on to work on carbon credit projects in Denmark under a UNEP internship and Canada under ICLEI before finding a home in certification.
Aneeka has been a member of the Board since 2021.
Leif Christensen
Assistant Professor – Department of Accounting, Copenhagen Business School
Leif is a state authorised financial auditor and has from 1983 worked as an accountant and consultant, including 15 years as a PwC partner. He has been working at the Copenhagen Business School for over 20 years, focusing on accounting, risk management and audit.
In 2013, Leif began a research project on the optimization of internal controls. The project includes a multiple case study of the relationship between auditor's impact on business decisions related to scope and number of internal controls.
Leif is also serving as Censor in the area of Business Economics and teaching accounting at the University of Copenhagen.
Leif has been a member of the Board since 2022.
Amparo Aswin
Vice President of Supply Chain and Procurement of Greater Asia, Becton Dickinson
Amparo is a supply chain transformation leader with 25+ years of worldwide experience at Unilever, Google and Becton Dickinson. Passionate about reimagining sustainable value chains using technology, she helps organisations solve transformation challenges and unlock growth opportunities.
Amparo's achievements include being recognised as a Top 100 Leaders in Supply Chain (2021) and Top 100 Women in Supply Chain (2021) by Supply Chain Digital, as well as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in Supply Chain (2020, 2022) by B2G Consulting.
Amparo has been a member of the Board since 2023.
Maiprae Loyen
Managing Director at AGRIAC
Mai is an expert in engaging rubber smallholders in sustainability initiatives, Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM) certification and supply chains. In 2019, she founded AGRIAC to improve the lives of small rubber plantation farmers in southern Thailand. Her company obtained the FSC certificate in 2020 and has since worked closely with smallholders to ensure high-quality products, promote forest stewardship and improve working conditions.
With over 20 years of experience in the Rubber Industry, Mai offers practical field-level insights on motivating smallholders to join sustainability initiatives and leveraging technology to engage with them.
Mai has been a member of the Board since 2023.
Senior Management
Peter Feilberg
Executive Director
Peter steers Preferred by Nature towards our mission and goals. His experience and thought-leadership have positioned him as a respected voice within the forest certification arena. For this reason, you may spot Peter speaking at global sustainability events in addition to contributing behind-the-scenes as a member of a number of technical working groups, tackling critical issues from FSC Controlled Wood to refocusing accreditation systems.
Jonathan Jickling
Senior Director of Sustainability Certification
Jon oversees the Preferred by Nature Sustainability Certification division, which helps businesses worldwide achieve sustainable land management and responsible sourcing through certification and verification.
Justinas Janulaitis
Senior Director of Forestry
Justinas directs and oversees the Preferred by Nature's certification unit's delivery of all assurance services as the Forestry Senior Director. He supports business planning, market development and efficient service management across all our offices.
Jacob Sterling
Senior Director, Head of Sustainability Advisory
Jacob leads Preferred by Nature's efforts in supporting companies in meeting their sustainability goals by helping them manage sustainability risks in their supply chains for traded commodities such as timber, biomass, palm oil, soy, beef, coffee and rubber.
Ariana Rastauskaitė
Head of People and Talent
As the Head of People and Talent division at Preferred by Nature, Ariana supports our regional offices and our senior management on the people and culture side of our strategic ambitions.
Ngan Nguyen Thuy
Chief Finance Officer
Ngan is responsible for managing the financial operations and offering financial services to the organisation. Her role also includes ensuring all required financial information is available to track and handling the annual financial audit.
Sandra Razanamandranto
Regional Engagement Director
Sandra leads the Regional Engagement & Communications Division and is responsible for the promotion of Preferred by Nature's activities globally. She also supports the organisation's marketing efforts in the regions.
Janis Pocs
Chief Operating Officer
As the Chief Operating Officer, Janis oversees all support systems to ensure efficient and effective operations.
Jakob Nordborg Ryding
Director of Mission-driven Projects
Jakob serves as the head of Preferred by Nature's Mission-driven Projects division, bringing over a decade of experience in managing development and capacity building projects in multiple regions. He is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of our suite of projects, ensuring that Preferred by Nature delivers innovative and impactful projects on the ground, benefitting people, nature and our climate.
Katie Miller
Director of Data and Technology Division
Katie is responsible for improving Preferred by Nature's Data and Technology processes, including harmonising our data entry system and effectively using certified product data in Salesforce. She also understands how our data is organised and has worked on structuring it to facilitate better audit planning and other services.
Impartiality Committee
Our Impartiality Committee helps safeguard the impartiality and objectivity of all Preferred by Nature certification and verification activities.
Anders Hildeman – Forestry sector
Anders’ work experience spans forest management, regulatory and environmental affairs, communication and leading development projects. He is a Forester by training and his career is mainly linked to forestry, wood working industry, and pulp and paper industry. He is experienced in leading network/matrix organisations with a track record of achieving results. Through his earlier jobs he has accumulated considerable experience interacting with customers, trade associations, politicians, non-governmental organisations or financial institutions.
Katrin Oswald – Climate sector
Based in Switzerland, Katrin Oswald is a passionate expert in climate and sustainability issues – with over a decade of experience in policy and strategy development as well as international implementations. Working across both the public and private sector, Katrin has been involved in several international conservation and development organisations, with a strong and active network in the climate sector.
Samantha Bray – Sustainable travel sector
Samantha Bray is based in South Carolina, United States. As a graduate of the George Washington University's Master of Tourism Administration programme, she recognises the incredible power travel plays in shaping people and places – for better or worse. Her passion for this vast and nuanced industry has driven Samantha to contribute towards helping destinations and businesses use tourism as a tool to sustain and enhance their culture, environment, economies and wellbeing of the community members.