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Updates to our Policy of Association

By Samentha James

Preferred by Nature has updated our Policy of Association as of 19 May 2023 to ensure that partnerships that we embrace are in line with critical sustainability principles.

At Preferred by Nature, we do not discriminate between partners. However, as a mission-driven organisation, we aim to align all our activities with our mission and reserve the right not to work with or be associated with organisations whose activities are in direct and serious violation of certain critical sustainability-related requirements. 

The policy has been updated based on Preferred by Nature's Sustainability Framework to define the activities that we will not tolerate. 

The updated version includes additional requirements such as:

  • Inclusion on legal land tenure: Partners must have legal land tenure and land rights to conduct their activities. 


  • Reference to fundamental rights: Partners must respect the fundamental rights for freedom of association at the workplace and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as recognised by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

To ensure we do not engage with organisations in violation of any of our requirements, we have also included the right for Preferred by Nature to implement a due diligence process to gather information about risks of violations in any of the specified areas.  

Read the entire Policy of Association to learn more about the other principles we expect our partners to commit to here

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