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Timber legality verification well received in Brazil

By Preferred by Nature

Earlier this year, IPA (Indústria de Pisos da Amazônia or Amazon Flooring Corporation) made the decision to engage with the Rainforest Alliance program for Verification of Legal Origin (VLO), based on two equally important reasons: environmental concern and market awareness.

Earlier this year, IPA (Indústria de Pisos da Amazônia or Amazon Flooring Corporation) made the decision to engage with the Rainforest Alliance program for Verification of Legal Origin (VLO), based on two equally important reasons: environmental concern and market awareness.

Taking advantage of VLO timber supply

The company is located on the banks of the Amazon River, in the municipality of Iranduba. 

It was established by five enterpreneurs who have worked in the wood flooring business for over 20 years. The company has faced difficulties in buying lumber from responsible sources. 

“For the time being we are satisfied with the fact that our raw material comes from legal sources, but because we are also concerned with social and environmental aspects, our goal is to achieve FSC certification”, says Paula Iague, manager of the company’s forest department.

Brazil-logging-170.jpg Although the VLO claim is quite new in Brazil, it has been well received by the Brazilian forest industry. Recently, IPA’s verification process was followed by Pampa Exportações Ltda. (Pampa Exports), which has manufacturing facilities in Belém, the capital of the Brazilian state of Pará. This company has been FSC Chain of Custody certified since 2009, but chose to add the VLO claim to its product portfolio due to the supply situation. Pampa Exports received its VLO claim on April 29.

The VLO statements enable IPA and Pampa Exports to take advantage of the availability of VLO timber products supplied by the Rondobel concession. 

Last year, Rondobel obtained the first VLO verification issued to a forest operation in Brazil.

Demand for timber legality assurance

The Rainforest Alliance’s Brazilian partner organisation Imaflora was in charge of adapting and harmonising the international standards developed by the Rainforest Alliance with the Brazilian municipal, state and federal legislation. 

Forester Leonardo Sobral of Imaflora, who led this process , firmly believes that the VLO claim has met a definite market demand. 

“The Rainforest Alliance’s timber legality verification standards are being well received by the wood industry. It is a valid tool to help the operations organize themselves towards FSC certification.”

In 2010 Brazil produced 14,2 million cubic meters of logs from tropical woods. About 21 % of this volume was exported and 79% was sold in the domestic market. The state of São Paulo was the largest market, consuming 17% of the total production.

Story and pictures © IMAFLORA. Imaflora is a Brazilian non profit, non governmental organization that was established in 1995 with the objective of promoting the conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources and generating social benefits in the forest and agricultural sectors.Imaflora is a partner of the Rainforest Alliance for a range of services including among others FSC certification and Rainforest Alliance legality verification.


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