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New guide for companies selling wood-based products into the European Union

By Julie

Preferred by Nature has published a new guide to provide an explanation why EU buyers might be asking questions about the legality of wood and wood-based products and give some tips on how to make the process easier for both the seller and the buyer.  

The guide 'Guide for companies selling wood-based products into the European Union'  has been developed to support all industry participants with a specific focus on those exporting wood and wood-based products into the EU and ‘Operators’ who are required to perform ‘due diligence’ on all wood and wood-based products within the scope of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). 

“The companies selling wood-based products to the EU need to be prepared for buyers’ questions about origin, supply chains and evidence of the legality of the wood-based products. The recommended approach for the seller is to be proactive and thus prepared for any requests for information from the EU-based buyers”, said Jakob Ryding, Project Manager at Preferred by Nature. 

The EUTR is not designed to be a trade barrier. It is aimed to turn the tide on illegal logging activities by requiring the wood and wood-based product industries to implement a due diligence system focusing on risk analysis and risk mitigation measures for the products they are sourcing. 

“You can be ahead of your buyers by keeping track of where your timber originates from and by making sure that your suppliers are providing you with the necessary supply chain documentation and information. Make sure no illegal timber is mixed in with your legal supply. You can expect your buyers to request full supply chain transparency”, added Jakob Ryding.

“Our goal is to make the EUTR simple for the companies that need to operate in compliance with it. The new guide has been developed to help businesses understand how they can prepare to meet the requests coming from EU-based buyers, also known as Operators.”, said Jakob Ryding, Preferred by Nature.

You can visit for more information and guides about the EUTR and how it affects the trading of wood and wood products within the EU27, including Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein.


 >>> Click here to download the guide. 



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Jakob Nordborg Ryding
Senior Director of Strategic Projects

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