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Preferred by Nature announces consultation on a new version of the standard on ecosystem restoration

By Samentha James

Preferred by Nature is welcoming interested stakeholders to participate in the public consultation on the Standard for Field Verification of Ecosystem Restoration Version 2.0. The consultation aims to seek input and feedback on the proposed verification approach. 

As a way of demonstrating support for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, Preferred by Nature has developed the Standard for Field Verification of Ecosystem Restoration. This Standard focuses on assessing the performance of ecosystem restoration at the field level, in tropical, temperate and boreal biomes. By blending technical, environmental, social and economic attributes, the Standard provides a structured approach and detailed checklist for verifying ecosystem restoration practices. 

This Standard is suitable to be applied across all scales and credible models of ecosystem restoration, including smallholder and community, medium- and large-scale operations. 

The first version was released for public consultation in September 2020. The Standard has been used to support restoration projects of various sizes from America, Europe to Africa. Read more on the two cases in Spain and Chile

You can download a summary of stakeholder feedback from the first consultation round and overview of changes made in this version here.

And, the complete list with all comments can be accessed here.

>> Click here to download the Standard for Field Verification of Ecosystem Restoration Version 2.0

Share your feedback! 

You can submit your comments on the Standard via our online survey here: 
English | French | Spanish 

Preferred by Nature embraces a transparent and multi-stakeholder-based approach in maintaining the highest level of stakeholder consensus to ensure high quality framework and procedure developments. Therefore, we welcome your constructive comments, technical review, recommendations and edits. 

Consultation period: 3 August – 4 October 2021

Join our webinar to learn more

We will be presenting the Version 2.0 of the Standard and answering questions directly during our webinar taking place on these dates: 

  • Spanish: 8 September 2021 (16:00 CEST) – click here to register. 
  • French: 9 September 2021 (12:00 CEST) – click here to register.
  • English: 9 September 2021 (16:00 CEST) – click here to register.

If you're keen on learning more on the Standard for Field Verification of Ecosystem Restoration, click here


Preferred by Nature strives to meet ISEAL requirements for standard development in this work and will be following the Preferred by Nature Procedure for the Development and Revision of Standards. 

ISEAL (International Social and Environmental Labelling Alliance) is a global association for social and environmental certification and labelling frameworks. ISEAL works with established and emerging voluntary systems, developing guidance to strengthen their effectiveness and impact.  

Have a question? Contact us.

Mateo Cariño Fraisse
Senior Manager, Land Use Programme

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