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Transforming cocoa farming with Ferrero: The Wassa Amenfi Initiative

By Benjamin Holst

The Wassa Amenfi Cocoa Landscape Initiative in Ghana, a pioneering effort led by Ferrero in collaboration with Preferred by Nature, Solidaridad, and Rikolto, represents a significant shift in sustainable cocoa farming. This project aims to combat deforestation and improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers through innovative, climate-smart agroforestry practices.

The Wassa Amenfi Cocoa Landscape Initiative in Ghana, a pioneering effort led by Ferrero in collaboration with Preferred by Nature, Solidaridad, and Rikolto, represents a significant shift in sustainable cocoa farming. Scheduled from July 2023 to December 2027 and funded by Danida Green Business Partnership (Danida) this project aims to combat deforestation and improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers through innovative, climate-smart agroforestry practices.

Sustainable farming

Ferrero's direct involvement in the initiative marks a strategic move towards responsible cocoa sourcing, aligning with the European Union's stringent environmental standards. The project is designed not only to enhance the environmental sustainability of cocoa farming but also to ensure economic viability for the farmers. It introduces a new model of cocoa production that balances the ecological needs with the economic realities of the region.

Empowering cocoa farmers

The initiative's approach to sustainability is comprehensive, covering various aspects of cocoa farming. Key components include training programs for farmers, which are crucial for the effective implementation and long-term success of sustainable practices. These educational efforts are aimed at equipping farmers with the necessary skills and knowledge to transition to more sustainable methods of cocoa cultivation.

Setting industry standards

The Wassa Amenfi initiative is poised to become a blueprint for sustainable agriculture beyond the borders of Ghana. Its success could influence the global cocoa industry, promoting practices that are both environmentally responsible and ethically sound. The project reflects a growing trend among corporations to actively engage in the sustainability of their supply chains, driven by both regulatory requirements and a commitment to corporate responsibility.

Cocoa farming

Overall, the Wassa Amenfi Cocoa Landscape Initiative stands as an important model for the future of cocoa farming. It seeks to demonstrate how sustainable agricultural practices can be effectively integrated into the cocoa industry, benefiting not only the environment but also the farmers and communities involved in cocoa production. As the project progresses, it holds the potential to set new standards for sustainable production in the cocoa industry and inspire similar efforts in other agricultural sectors.

Environmental stewardship: Significantly reducing deforestation and promoting biodiversity through climate-smart agroforestry practices.

Economic viability for farmers: Enhancing the livelihoods of cocoa farmers by providing training and support for sustainable, profitable farming practices and inculcating additional livelihood activities for vulnerable groups.

Setting industry standards: Establishing a model for responsible cocoa sourcing, influencing global industry practices towards sustainability and ethical sourcing.

For more information, please contact:

Anthony Ebo Prah
Project Manager

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