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Launch of National EUTR Workshops

By Julie

LIFE Legal Wood to launch free online workshops to update wood product professionals on the EUTR.

Do you trade in wood or wood products on the EU market, or do you use it as a raw material in products sold in the EU? Even if it is just a small item such as a paper label, the European Timber Regulation (EUTR) may still apply to you. To assist all relevant stakeholders and companies affected by the EUTR, the LIFE Legal Wood project will host a series of free online webinars to familiarise professionals with the requirements of the EUTR. 

The EUTR has since its adoption by the European Union aimed at eradicating illegal timber entering the member states, but many companies are still unaware of its importance to their supply chain. The workshops are designed to change this.

“Which products are covered by the EUTR? How do you incorporate due diligence processes to your supply chain? Where do you report your findings? These are just some of the questions that will be answered during the workshop sessions. By attending, you are much better equipped to implement all the requirements of the EUTR,” said Jakob Ryding, Technical Project Manager at Preferred by Nature, one of the 13 partner organisations leading the EU-backed LIFE Legal Wood project.

The workshops are joined by experts in EUTR and hosted in either English, Dutch, French, German, Italian or Spanish, and will focus on delivering hands-on training for companies to adapt to the EUTR. The workshop is planned to involve two morning sessions with an agenda that includes a practitioner’s guide to due diligence procedures, how to use a risk-based approach to analyse your supply chain, and an introduction to available online tools for EUTR compliance. 

All workshops are available remotely

The webinars will be held online. It is free of charge to participate and delegates can sign up here:

  • Operator workshop Spain, 17 & 19 February 2021 Sign up
  • Operator workshop Germany, 23 & 25 February 2021 Sign up
  • Operator workshop Belgium, 24 & 26 February 2021 Sign up
  • Operator workshop Netherlands, 2 & 4 March 2021 Sign up
  • Operator workshop France, 3 & 5 March 2021 Sign up
  • Operator workshops Italy, 27th of May & 7th of October 2021 (Sign up will be announced later on)

The workshops are supported by partners in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. This assures that only the most relevant information is being offered to delegates participating in the sessions. The target audience is companies active in the European wood and wood products value chain who must comply with the EUTR. Take this test on to see if your company needs to comply with the EUTR.

Background on the LIFE Legal Wood project

LIFE Legal Wood is an international project committed to providing professionals with all the information they need to understand the European Timber Regulation (EUTR) through free risk assessments, stakeholder networks and seminars, and online due diligence tools. The project’s target audience is companies active in the European wood and wood products value chain who must adapt to the EUTR.

The project is led by Preferred by Nature, an NGO, and is supported by Amfori, Baskegur, Cesefor, Conlegno, Etifor, Foresna, GD Holz, Le Commerce du Bois, Probos, and the Competent Authorities of Belgium, Germany and Spain.

Background on the European Timber Regulation (EUTR)

The European Timber Regulation (EUTR) is a legal code to promote legally sourced and sustainably produced wood and wood products sold in the European Union (EU). The EUTR requires all users to implement due diligence systems to assure responsible sourcing. The EUTR was accepted by the European Parliament in October 2010 and has been adopted by all 27 members of the EU together with Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway.

Download: Press Release About National EUTR Workshops_LIFELegalWood 


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Have a question? Contact us.

Jakob Nordborg Ryding
Senior Director of Strategic Projects

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