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Launched: Short training videos on key elements of the EU Timber Regulation

By Julie

Are you a company importing wood or wooden products and placing it for sale on the European market? If yes, then you have most likely heard of or are already working with the requirements in the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR).

The LIFE Legal Wood project has launched a series of videos, which has been developed to help explain some of the key elements relevant to the EUTR. The four videos touch upon the following topics:  

Each video gives a basic introduction to the specific topic. The videos aim to provide companies based in the European Union with information about the EUTR that will support them in their process of implementing and complying with the regulation.  

On, you will also be able to find a range of recorded webinar presentations that provides you with a more in-depth introduction to topics such as the EUTR, due diligence, certification and the upcoming EU Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR).  

For those looking to take the first steps in complying with the EUTR but unsure about the concept and how to get started, the LIFE Legal Wood project has also developed two short introduction videos to guide them in the right direction and to make them aware of the free tools available to them. These videos are: 

The EUTR was put into force in 2013 with the aim of fighting trade of illegal timber. It requires that all European companies that import and place wood or wooden products on the European market must be able to document that the wood is legally harvested. 

For more information on EUTR, visit  



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