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FSC community forest label under way

By Preferred by Nature

FSC-certified products originating in forests owned by communities or smallholders may soon gain more value on the marketplace.

FSC is planning to launch a new label specifically designed for community-owned forests as well as Small and Low Intensity Managed Forests (SLIMF). 
The label will help to tell the story of the products’ origin and serve to create consumer recognition of the special values connected with these forms of forest ownership and management.

Forest management often more sustainable

Smallholders and forest-dwelling communities often traditionally manage forests in sustainable ways, e.g. by collection of non-timber forest products or by harvesting trees less intensively. 

In tropical forests, well-established tenure and user rights of local communities are often the best defense against forest degradation and overlogging, a major factor in climate change. This is confirmed by a new study from Mexico published by the Rights and Resources Initiative. The study shows that community forest management can outperform all other measures to slow deforestation and capture carbon in Mexican forests.

Overcoming challenges

Yet because of their small or irregular production, the burden of getting certified is disproportionately high for these owner groups. Unless their products are differentiated from industrial forest products on the marketplace, it is difficult for them to gain economic benefits from sustainable forest production.  

Because the forest areas involved are very large, encouraging sustainable community forestry and smallholder certification can be important elements in halting the global deforestation. For example, 25% of Brazil's vast forest area is controlled by smallholders and traditional groups; and in Europe, more than 6 million forest owners manage about half of the total forest area.

Comment on the new policy

This move is part of FSC's efforts to address the challenges of communities and smallholders, as demanded by the FSC members during the last FSC General Assembly (2008).

FSC is asking for comments on the new policy until 15th of December. You can find more information on the consultation process and download the draft policy here.  

Source: Press release by FSC-International


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