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We work with businesses on all aspects of their sustainability journey

As a non-profit organisation, we are dedicated to helping the transition to sustainable practices for businesses and land manager


Strengthen your organisation’s commitment to sustainability, showcasing impactful business transformations.

Sustainability advisory services

With over 30 years of experience in sustainability, our experts can support you in enhancing your sustainability journey.

Expert courses

Engage in impactful training experiences through our programmes, project-specific sessions, or bespoke courses upon request.

We can help you measure your impact through our 360° approach to sustainability

Whether you are a small-scale forester, farmer or global manufacturer sourcing commodities worldwide, the Preferred by Nature Certification offers a foundation for sustainability. 


Nous proposons des services de certification dans le cadre de ces programmes reconnus

Rejoignez la lutte contre la déforestation et le changement climatique en adoptant des pratiques commerciales responsables et en obtenant la certification de l'un ou plusieurs de ces programmes.

Our tailored services give companies the support, tools, and data they need to meet their sustainability goals


We can support you in policy and strategy development, ensuring effective implementation.


Ready to lead change for a sustainable future? Join us and turn aspirations into transformative actions. Contact us.

Public Institutions

Our approach promotes engagement, embedding sustainable practices in the frame of your institution. Contact us for details.
join us

Our training programme delivers high quality courses on certification schemes and sustainability topics

We have organised and delivered training for thousands of public and corporate sector stakeholders within the scope of our own training programmes, in the framework of projects, and on request.

We want to inspire, motivate, build passion and competence for a sustainable future. 


Upcoming Global Events & Training calendar

Event title Event type Language Location Dates Status
EUDR: Solutions for the wood and paper industry Seminar English London, United Kingdom 12 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course Spanish Medellín, Colombia 18 -
Preparing for EUDR: Solutions for forest and timber sectors Seminar English Osnabrück, Germany 18 -
Nature-based Solutions: Ecosystem Restoration and Carbon Projects Training Course Expert course English Cercedilla, Spain 25 -
Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza: Curso de Restauración de Ecosistemas y Proyectos de Carbono Expert course English Cercedilla, Spain 25 -
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Montreal, Canada 29 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 13 -
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 20 -
Centrale aspekter af FSC- og PEFC CoC-certificeringerne Seminar Danish 8362 Hørning, Denmark 21 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Kuala Lumpur 27 -
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course Spanish Medellín, Colombia 10 -
Curso Experto FSC Manejo Forestal Expert course Spanish Medellín, Colombia 10 -
FSC Forest Management Expert Course Expert course English Jurmala, Latvia 07 -
FSC Chain of Custody Expert Course Expert course English Berlin, Germany 18 -

Get in contact with us

Our experts are ready to support you on your sustainability journey.

humming bird
EU flag

We support businesses and affected stakeholders in complying with the EUDR

Since the proposal for this regulation was announced in November 2021, Preferred by Nature has been following the development process closely. Backed by our years of experience in timber legality and working with a range of commodities in relation to sustainable sourcing and production, we are improving and updating our range of due diligence tools and other resources to support businesses and affected stakeholders in complying with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).


Need help deciding where to source sustainable ingredients? 

Get up-to-date information about regulations and the latest risk assessments for the country of your interest.


Plateforme de la connaissance: partager c'est protéger

Nous partageons librement nos connaissances, notre savoir-faire et nos années d’expérience avec quiconque souhaite agir pour l’environnement. Consultez notre plateforme de la connaissance, vous y trouverez des articles, des études et des séminaires. N’hésitez pas à partager à votre tour !


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Projects that make a difference

Smarter methods, greater impact - for people, nature and climate. Learn more about our sustainable projects.

Current projects

RIA: Joining efforts in a Risk Information Alliance

Risk information is all about compiling and synthesising information about the conditions of production of agricultural and forest...


Developing legal frameworks and due diligence guidelines for cocoa production in West and Centr...

Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Cameroun are key countries producing global cocoa. Cocoa is the country's main cash crop in Côte d’Ivoire...


Developing nature-friendly solutions to protect forests against climate change whilst maintaini...

The eco2adapt project is about finding eco-friendly ways to protect our forests in Europe and China. It aims to ensure we pla...


HARMONITOR: improving clarity on sustainability certification schemes in Europe

Sustainability certification schemes and labels have many advantages over national or regional laws and regulations. They can be a...
