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Gaojun Zhao

Gaojun Zhao

Senior Sustainability Specialist
+86 138 1117 2104

Gaojun’s role is to support provision of LegalSource and ResponsibleSource services, including providing consultancy and certification services to clients in the timber sector and beyond.

Gaojun supports companies in China and abroad to meet legal requirements for harvesting, processing and trading timber.   

Gaojun Zhao majored in Forest Management in Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University. After graduating, he began his career in a local forestry association with government background, providing services for local forestry enterprises and farmers, including technical training, managing group FSC certification schemes, streamlining supply chain, marketing, and others.  

From 2012 to 2018, he worked at Bureau Veritas as an auditor, conducting Forest Management, Controlled Wood, Chain of Custody, EUTR-DDS and social audits. During this time, he developed skills and experience in the fields of timber legality and responsible forest management. 

 Gaojun joined Preferred by Nature in October 2018.

"I work with Preferred by Nature because responsible sourcing of forest-based products contributes to better forest management, which has been proven to benefit both businesses and local communities, particularly in developing countries."

Skills at a glance
  • Preferred by Nature expert on China timber legality requirements
  • LegalSource Certification Auditing & EUTR expertise
  • FSC Forest Management, Chain of Custody & Controlled Wood auditing
  • PEFC Chain of Custody auditing
  • Group certification of smallholders and communities
  • Languages spoken: Chinese and English

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