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Arnout Janssen

Arnout Janssen

Supply Chain Specialist
+31 (0)6 431 22 897

As Supply Chain Specialist, Arnout is responsible for auditing and managing FSC® and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) certification services for existing and new clients in the Netherlands.

Following his studies in International Timber Trade, Arnout worked at different timber companies. He also studied and/or worked in Norway, Sweden, Russia, and Bonaire. The last years before joining Preferred by Nature, Arnout worked as a consultant, where he performed audits, gave lectures, performed inspections, provided advice, and set up management systems - all timber related.

At Preferred by Nature, Arnout will apply his knowledge and experience to support companies that choose to implement sustainability systems, such as FSC and PEFC-CoC. With demanding legislative requirements and overall acceptation of the need for sustainability, their role is becoming increasingly important.

"Nature provides us with many ecosystem services, like water, food, materials, and inspiration, even though these services are unessential to nature itself. Our pressure on nature, in the form of pollution, deforestation and over-exploitation, have led to the state of the environment we all face today. Only in a sustainable way can we continue to use these indispensable resources. Credible certification is an essential tool for the choices people and businesses make. I am proud to be part of an organization that not only makes this possible, but also acts as an example."

Skills at a glance
  • FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody auditing and expertise
  • Timber legality expertise (EUTR & EUDR)
  • 15+ years expertise in the timber sector
  • International experience
  • Languages: Dutch, English, Norwegian, Russian and German

Other staff members from Netherlands

Supply Chain Specialist
Climate Specialist
Sustainability Specialist