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Andrés Campos Salas

Andrés Campos Salas

Agriculture Specialist, Costa Rica

Andrés, as an Agriculture Specialist, plays a crucial role in supporting various sustainability programs and overseeing certification monitoring for farms and supply chains. His responsibilities include conducting report reviews, coordinating audits, and managing databases. 

Andrés is involved in auditing processes for certified clients, acting as a reliable point of contact to provide support to both existing and potential clients. In addition, he also works on budgeting, strategic planning, report reviews and database administration.

With his expertise and attention to detail, Andrés ensures the smooth and efficient management of these essential tasks, contributing to the success of the certification processes and overall client satisfaction.

Andrés has always had a clear sense of his vocation in life. After completing his studies at the Technological University of Costa Rica, he embarked on a dynamic career path. For five years, he was involved as an Agricultural Extensionist in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica. 

Prior to that, Andrés served three months in the project execution and another 11 months in the inputs sales area.  

"I love everything about sustainable development and its diversity of approaches. For me it is gratifying to belong to this great organisation and make part of my contribution giving importance to verification and continuous improvement of these certification processes, therefore to people's well-being and food traceability."

Skills at a glance
  • Kind and perseverate person
  • Planning and teamwork
  • BSc in Agronomy Engineering
  • Agricultural extensionist
  • Good Agricultural Practices promoter
  • Follow up to environmental education and sustainable agriculture programs
  • Languages spoken: Spanish and English 

Other staff members from Costa Rica

Agriculture Coordinator
Certification Support Specialist
Agriculture Manager, Coffee Commodity Lead