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Preferred by Nature is now an associate partner institution under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters programme

By Samentha James

The European Commission has approved the funding for the 'Master in Global Environment and Development' (MERGED). Working together with 4EU+ Partner Universities, we are developing this master's programme focusing on environment and development at a global scale.

Today, the world faces unprecedented problems. We witness more natural resources disappearing, global value chains supplying unsustainable products, standard agricultural productions becoming outdated, people living in poverty, and the climate changing for the worse. 


People, particularly young people, are seeking more ways they can contribute to solving these problems.


Recognising this, the three 4EU+ Partner Universities, consisting of the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) in Denmark, the University of Milan (UMIL) in Italy, and the University of Warsaw (UW) in Poland, are now welcoming student applications for the upcoming MERGED programme. 


The programme aims to create globally competitive graduates who can identify critical aspects of renewable natural resource management for economic, environmental, institutional and societal development and develop feasible solutions. 


Graduates from this programme are poised to become professionals in private and public companies, I/NGOs, government bodies and research institutions. They benefit from interdisciplinary knowledge, direct sector exposure, practical field experiences, specialised abilities to target sustainability problems, and thus leading to high employability rates. 


MERGED focuses on creating in-depth and lasting relationships in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and North America via its strong global Associate Partner network, where Preferred by Nature makes up one of the 20 participating organisations. 


Speaking on this, Preferred by Nature's Executive Director Peter Feilberg shared, "We are honoured to be recognised as a formal MERGED Associate Partner institution. With this, we will be able to increase our levels of collaboration in the programme in terms of developing teaching materials and supporting potential graduates in their master thesis."


Meanwhile, Professor Carsten Smith-Hall, MERGED Programme Coordinator, expressed that, "MERGED is excited to partner with Preferred by Nature, establishing closer ties to a strong and growing organisation working to make the world a more sustainable place.” 


Taking our involvement in the programme a notch higher, Preferred by Nature is now encouraging more participants for MERGED with its own twist.  


"We are keen on supporting interested candidates within our networks in the application process and, later on, with an internship opportunity at our organisation. Following their successful completion of the programme, we are also open to offering permanent employment opportunities if they are a right fit for us," explained Mads Bab, Chief People Officer of Preferred by Nature. 


Banner programme
Photo courtesy of The 4EU+ European University Alliance 

The first call for student applications is now ongoing. For non-EU students, the deadline is set for 15 January 2023, while EU students have up to 1 March 2023 to submit their applications. The study session is slated to commence in September 2023. 


The MERGED programme is also currently offering over 20 EU-funded scholarships per year that applicants can apply for. 


MERGED acts globally to promote a European vision of the environmental-development nexus, enhancing attractiveness through the programme's reputation, innovative teaching approaches, integrated cross-country and cross-institutional collaboration, and the career profiles of graduates. Find out more on the MERGED official website here.

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