A practical guide to CITES for EU timber traders
If you are importing timber into the EU, you should be aware of the species listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), as well as permit requirements for all listed species.
We published an article that covers all the essential information that explains how CITES works, a complete list of timber species as well as permits to import, export or re-export timber listed under CITES, and how the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations (which implement CITES in EU countries) work, among others.
This article also includes some examples of fake CITES permits.
To read the article, click here.

If you have a suggestion on a new topic, contact Ann Weddle at aw@nepcon.org. The topic should be of practical use to companies looking to meet the requirements of the EUTR.
This series of thematic articles is produced as a part of the project ‘Supporting Legal Timber Trade’ (see here and here) funded by the EU LIFE Programme and UK Aid from the UK government. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the EU or the UK government’s official policies.