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01 Jun 2021

New guide on how to source certified timber products under the EUTR

By Preferred by Nature

Preferred by Nature has published a new guide for the timber industry on handling certified wood and wood products under the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR).

The guide is developed to support all industry participants, also identified as ‘Operators’ and ‘Traders’ in the EUTR, using certified products to complement existing due diligence procedures. Though this practice has several compliance benefits, there are also examples of companies believing certified wood and wood products are inherently lawful and are unaware of the legal shortcomings attached to their use under the EUTR.

“The guide is highly relevant as it takes on explaining the misunderstood perception that certified wood and wood products are automatically exempt from the EUTR. They are not, and they also require scrutiny when being imported into the EU,” said Jakob Ryding, Project Manager at Preferred by Nature.The new guide, titled How to use forest certification in a EUTR compliant Due Diligence System, is initially available in English but will be translated into Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish in due course. The guide is part of Preferred by Nature’s commitment to the LIFE Legal Wood project co-funded by the European Union. The project aims at raising awareness about the EUTR through a campaign featuring webinars and a suite of easy-to-use tools.

“Our mission is to expand companies’ knowledge of the EUTR by creating accessible resources across multiple platforms. Our new guide is a stellar example of a step-by-step handbook that professionals can use as a reference point for implementing the due diligence requirements of the EUTR on the growing volume of certified wood and wood products,” said Mr Ryding.

Please visit for more information and guides about the EUTR and how it affects the trading of wood and wood products within the EU27, including Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein.


Guide using cert in EUTR
 >>> Click here to download the guide. 



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Have a question? Contact us.

Jakob Nordborg Ryding
Senior Director of Strategic Projects

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