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The Netherlands: endorsement of PEFC reconfirmed

By Preferred by Nature

Prompted by complaints filed by several NGOs, the Dutch Timber Procurement Assessment Committee (TPAC) has re-assessed the PEFC international scheme.

TPAC has announced that while the objections have led to revision of some scores at criterion level, the overall judgment of PEFC remains positive.  

MTCS may soon be accepted

Based on a previous TPAC assessment, the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) is currently excluded under the Dutch governmental procurement policy, and the scheme is also excluded from the positive overall judgment of the PEFC International system. 

However, in December 2010,  the Malaysian Timber Cetification Council (MTCC) lodged an appeal against TPAC’s judgment on MTCS. The Board of Appeal has not yet pronounced its judgment and will do so before December 2011.  MTCS is currently excluded for the Dutch Procurement Policy, but  State Secretary for Infrastructure and the Environment, Mr Joop Atsma, has expressed his intention to accept the Malaysian system before the 1st of July, based on progress made.

The Dutch Timber Procurement Assessment Committee (TPAC) is commissioned by the Ministry of Environment to assess timber certification systems on behalf of the Dutch Green Public Procurement Policy.  

Sources: TPAC.

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