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Good news for publishers

By Preferred by Nature

FSC has released a new advice note which allows non-certified publishers and catalogue producers to have their publications FSC-labeled, if they buy the paper and have it shipped to a certified printing house.

Previously this was not possible in the FSC system because the rules required certified subcontractor to take ownership of the paper. 

Due to the normal working process in the publishing sector, this prevented many publications from carrying the FSC logo.

Now FSC has decided that this may be done under certain conditions. For example, the final product needs to carry the brand of the non-certified organization purchasing the certified inputs.

Certified companies using certified subcontractors

FSC also clarifies the exact procedures and documentation that needs to be in place when certified companies outsource a part of their FSC production activities to certified subcontractors. 

This type of arrangement exempts the outsourcing company from the additional costs of on-site auditing at the subcontractor’s location. Instead, the subcontractor’s certification body will verify the subcontractor’s compliance with FSC requirements pertaining to the outsourced activities . 

Overall, this allows resources to be more efficiently spent within the FSC system, since the control of the subcontractor’s performance can be dealt with during the normal annual audits.


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