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FSC-Denmark polices its trademarks

By Preferred by Nature

We have seen companies using the FSC logo without having the necessary paperwork in place and hence without the traceability assurance that is a crucial part of the brand.

Unfortunately we see a growing tendency to ignore the requirements for traceability and trademark use approval, and we want to see that trend reversed!” says Loa Dalgaard Worm, Manager of FSC-Denmark.

Trademark Task Force

In order to ensure effective brand protection for the benefit of those who choose to engage and invest in the system, FSC-Denmark has established a “trademark task force”.

The organization has engaged with a lawyer for legal advice regarding relevant actions it should take to address trademark misuse. 

In addition, the FSC National Office has hired a new employee who will be in charge of identifying and acting on cases of FSC trademark misuse. Danish stakeholders are encouraged to report such cases directly to FSC-Denmark.

“Our hope is that we will see significant progress in this field already before the summer holidays, and that non-certified companies recognize the need to get their paperwork in order - or else stop making claims about the FSC-certified status of their products”, says Ms. Dalgaard Worm. 

"FSC Green Pages" is a catalogue of Danish companies providing FSC products or services. It is published annually by FSC-Denmark.

Since the 1st of January 2011, a new agreement with the FSC International Center puts FSC-Denmark in charge of following up on cases of trademark misuse in Denmark.

Consumer recognition reaches a new peak

By ensuring stricter protection of the FSC trademarks, FSC-Denmark is complementing its excellent work to raise awareness of the FSC brand. The FSC label is part of the growing sustainability trend in Denmark and clearly on its way to becoming a mainstream eco-label. The logo is visible on a wide range of products sold in Danish stores and supermarkets, such as milk cartons (3.7 million per week), garden furniture, kitchen utensils as well as 27 daily newspapers including the major national press. A recent poll revealed that more than 50% of the Danish population now recognizes the logo. 

Growing awareness is also seen among public and private organizations, which increasingly look for the FSC label when buying wood and paper products. Most recently, the biggest Danish law firm Kromann-Reumert has adopted a policy requiring its 600 co-workers to use FSC-certified paper only. 

This development is doubtlessly connected to the many and often innovative awareness-raising campaigns carried out by FSC-Denmark over the past years. Seven different campaigns are currently running. 

Among recent initiatives are ‘Home Green Home’ – a model house displaying FSC-certified wood for construction and interior decoration during the COP 15 climate summit in Copenhagen; "green goods", a greatly successful online auction for FSC-certified products; and the annual FSC Design Award competition held in collaboration with Danish architects and designers. 

FSC Design Award winner, designer Mette Schelde, with her winning product "Side Table". She is currently enjoying her prize - a visit to an FSC-certified forest and workshop in the Amazon - and blogs and videos from her visit are posted daily at FSC-Denmark's website.

Watch a video from Mette Schelde's journey:

Source: FSC-Denmark

Pictures in this story courtesy of FSC-Denmark (top photo) and Jesper Nørgaard Sørensen (bottom photo).


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